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Image Comments posted by lusobrandane


    Thanks for the comment. I was trying to give the impression that the boat is pulling at the rope in the same way that a dog might pull at its leash.
  1. It's Foz do Arelho in Portugal.

    As for the image, it is a superb composition, and the colours are well saturated. However, the halo around the roof of the yellow kiosk lets it down a little. That said, though, that is a minor quibble, and is something that can be repaired in under five minutes in Photoshop.

    Swan Loch

    I would much rather that you critique the image and not the watermark. I know the writing is there - I put it there. I'm sure that you are capable of ignoring it if you really want to. It's there to stop the person who has been stealing my images and passing them off as his own from doing so. I'm sure you can understand and react accordingly.


    I'm sorry that a very light and unobtrusive watermark has spoiled your appreciation of this image. I'm sure you would do something similar if you found someone else passing off your images as their own and selling them on the internet.

    O Linda

    Thanks for your comment. Now you have pointed it out, the rope has become a problem to me. Since it is not a crop, the matter may have to be resolved by the rope being diverted in Photoshop!

    O Linda


    An inshore artisanal fishing boat tied up on the beach at Seixal. The

    sky was dull and overcast and threatened rain that never transpired. I

    spotted this as I walked round from the ferry station into the town

    centre. Originally shot in RAW, I used Photoshop to convert to black

    and white.

    Gone fishing


    It was a very wet Saturday afternoon just before Carnaval, and Jose

    Pinto and myself drove up to Vieira where I captured this angler

    braving the elements with two rods.

    Strathmartine Sky


    Thanks Chris. I was pleased to find you here too! Your underwater shots are amazing. I am surprised at the apparent pettiness here on Photonet... and at how quicky it has been expressed in the shape of unexplained poor scores. I'm not all that bothered about it, to be honest. I just think that the people who run this site should either do something about the unexplained (and ofted inexplicable and instant) low scores or perhaps just disable the anonymous scoring altogether. Also, if non-paying members are able to vote, then perhaps they shouldn't - it should be a privilege of membership. Actually, they should just abolish the scoring altogether since, as many people have said, it is absolutely useless as a measure of how good or bad an image actually is. Anyway... thanks for your kind words and support - now, where did I leave the camera?



  2. Hi Dominic... all constructive criticism helps. Lightening the sky very quickly blows out the clouds - they lose a lot of detail. I will try darkening the reflection - but please note that this isn't a composite PS creation, this is more or less what the camera saw.

    Strathmartine Sky


    Thank you, Lou. It is a bit tiresome getting a 3/3 the instant the image is posted - all anonymous and without any constructive feedback. Kind of undermines the entire system. Unless, of course, the image really is awful and deserves it! Each to their own I suppose - some people can be so extremely petty and unhelpful. Anyway, here's not the place for this discussion.


    As for the sky, I did use a graduated ND filter on top of a circular polariser. However, to bring out the tonal range in the clouds, I processed the image as a 16 bit TIFF and then HDR tone mapped it.

    Strathmartine Sky

    I wish that whoever keeps giving my images 3/3 would have the decency to say why. Do you really think that every image I put up is below average, or have I inadvertantly offended you in some way, and this is your way of getting back?

    Rat race

    Thanks for your comments. The orange (which is a bus stop sign) is there for two reasons. Firstly it is intended to draw the eye from the man with the umbrella - it is supposed to create a tension between the two objects that (hopefully) increases the sense of movement. Secondly, as a bright and warm colour, it is intended to emphasise the dull, gray, everydayness of the rat race commute to work.
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