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Image Comments posted by alight



    this is fantastic.  The light looks just right.  The whole image looks dramatic, yet not threatening.  Also good detail and clarity.  Cheers, Micheal



    to my taste the red girl with the umbrella shouldn't be there;  without her the image would be excellent.  With her in it looks weird.  Cheers, Micheal

    Dutch landscape


    you chose nice conditions for the shot.  I think the tree steals the shot.  It is very prominent and well captured, so my eyes are attracted to it rather than to the BG wind mill.  It depends what you intended to say with this image.  If it was to show the wind mill while having an interesting framing provided by the tree I think it doesn't work the best - the wind mill is too small, too far.  If it was to show the scene with the wind mill being a partial partner, it's great.  Cheers, Micheal

  1. very visually attractive.  The background looks dramatic, yet softened with colourful patches.  Deep foregrounds can be tricky, especially when relatively empty like in this photo, yet the paterns in the sand and the occasional floating leaves hold attention.  Dude, do you have a life except for photography?  Wikipedia entry for "photography machine" = "Tom Hadley".  Cheers (V8), Micheal 

  2. now you're getting artsy.  I like this quite a lot, actually.  That bright area is a little bit distracting, but nothing big.  Imagine having V8 flow in the water fountain.  What caption would you give it then?  Cheers, Michael

  3. really very nice.  So subtle, except for the pine tops.  The picture gives you a hint of autumn colours, and leaves the rest to your imagination.  Well seen.  You know, apparently, if you lubricate your shutter with V8 it will work much better.  Cheers, Micheal

  4. ha, original and funny.  Perhaps contrails of angels heading to the church? I don't like the polarization effect much.  The picture is quite dark and the colours look "gloomy".  Cheers, Micheal

  5. I like the impact of this combination (the very prominent green beam, the more "quiet" structure of the bridge and the nature).  It's almost abstract.  I'm not very crazy about the weird-looking sky and the light area around the bridge - it looks too artificial. Cheers, Micheal



    wow, getting to the fine art territory here.  (Also) the light and texture are fantastic.  Where is my Kleenex...quickly...  Cheers, Micheal

  6. composition-wise this is very good, in my opinion.  My beef is with the dark figure of the child - I had to look at the figure for some time to understand what it is and what it's doing, and even then it looks kinda weird - courtesy of the hair hanging so seemingly strangly and merging with the dark, featureless head.  It almost looks like Medusa filling up a water bottle.  I can tell you how I feel about the photo, but I'm not sure what alternative to suggest.  Using a flash, if doable in those circumstances, would certainly reveal features about the child and even perhaps act as a counter-balance to the sun.  Cheers, Micheal



    this is a nice scene.  I would suggest shooting more to your right, to put a distance between the the boat and the land on the right.  Right now the bow touches the shore.  I suggest having the bow, then a little bit of the water, and then the shore.  Cheers, Micheal

  7. I think this photo has the right ingredients, but somehow the overall effect is not the best.  The light is nice, the sky is great, the nature looks good.  But there is too much of deep foreground, pushing all the great stuff into the background so it looks tiny and is hard to see.  Rozhodne ma Slovensko velmi hezkou prirodu.  Cheers, Micheal



    this is a well-done composition.  That you included the two flowers in the FG and made them so prominent, and even placed them between the two cabins, gives the photo good juice.  There may be perhaps too much of the sky; it's not that interesting, so leaving just a narrow band of it above the mountain would suffice.  I wouldn't mind the altered aspect ratio.  Nice photo.  Cheers, Micheal

  8. this is a great shot.  The sky and the light make it, but the road is no slouch either.  You chose a good place to take the photo from.  There are many lines on the road, which could be a little bit confusing to the eyes, but the eyes are grabbed with the clear somewhat-wide band of asphalt in the middle and led towards the dramatic sky.  Cheers, Micheal

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