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Image Comments posted by williamsquire



    Well considering my internet handle in goosethemighty I love this image!


    Seriously thou, its very beautiful and calming. I would thou photoshop that feather in the nose. Otherwise I very pretty capture :)

    Hot Water


    Very nice angel. makes me wonder where the pipes are going.


    Have you tried a tighter crop? try cropping it where the smoke starts to expand.

    "Two Face"


    This tower is located in Merchant City in Glasgow. It is a very

    wealthy part of the city.


    Interestingly enough the heads of executed criminals was displayed on

    the spikes of the clocktower. The clock had 2 different faces which I

    thought was ironic since they killed criminals to show society that

    crime was wrong. Such as it still is today.



    The End


    This was a very hard shot to take. I was sitting in the Coloseum

    waiting for my girl friend to come out of the toilet. Crowds wof

    people were rushing infront of me. Then I saw this; a tunnel leading

    up to stairs and out in the light was the arches of the Coloseum. SO I

    held my camera there and waited for the right moment and snap.



    These are my favorite types of shots to view because they are my favorite to take. I find its a great challenge to photogragh your subject with wide space and huge skies because its very easy to lose the subject or not frame it properly.


    You managed to do both very well here. You used the space perfectly to catch the isolation of the tree and the people in the back ground. But for me I dont really like the tree or the people. The tree lacks character and the people are to far away to even notice them.


    But it still is a good composition.

    Society Life


    This was a great graveyard. The tombs and tombstones were mounted

    ontop this huge hill, yet despite sicial status all bodies were stored

    beneath this huge hill. Thus showcasing the social status and social

    structure of or society as we see it today.



    I love and ate bugs. Love as in they interest and excite me. hate as in i fear them to death.


    That being said I love this photo. It reminds of of many photos you see here; a guy and a girl embracing eachother, one looks inot the camera and the other looks away. Most of the time they bore be and its very rare that I find one I think stands out amoung the sea. This photo is better than all of them and captures exactly what most of the human counterpart fails to capture. Life.



  1. I love it. You can tell the water was moving quickly over the rocks which would normally look violent. But you captured the movement as if the water was gently rolling over the rocks to avoid erosion!



    This is the first photo I submitted. It shows what I love to

    photograph the most; the subject in large space with high

    contrast/saturated darks and lights.

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