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Image Comments posted by marekd

    Some Photoshop


    Sorry it's going to be short, but I don't have much time now. So... Frist of all, I like the moment you captured, she has nice expression on her face. Also did a good job in photoshop cutting her out. Nevertheless, there are a couple of things that distract me. The biggest one is really tight crop. Especially in front of her. It feels confined and makes me uneasy.It would be nice to give her some space, so she can look. If she's reading a book, maby it would be nice to try to compose it in a way, that would show it. The background seems distracting to me too, it's sharp and has simmilar value (in color to her shirt and skin), so it blends a little bit.

    Overall, this is a good try. Keep working, it all comes with time!


    Best regards.

  1. I had three separate layers of the buble with different blending modes (Multiply, Overlay, and sth else). I did the reflections using layer style, and particulary emboss. For each layer I set different angles for light (turned off global light) and adjusted emboss values and curves for different sizes. Best Regards!

    Strathmartine Sky

    I'm not a paid member in photo.net, but I think that idea of only paid members having the privilage to vote is would lead the site in a good direction. I'm saying it from my point of view too. Anyway, you all guys take care.



    At first I thought, it was a bad idea to focus on the bike's wheel, and than the connection between the bike and the wheelchair struck me. Also the way the bike is positioned adds spontaneity to this capture.

    Great job!



    Great idea and superb execution. The only thing that seems to bother me a bit is the angle, or composition, I'm not sure. I would like to see some more shots of it, perhaps from a lower/higher angle or horizontal. The space above the model's head and the lens on the eye level, makes this picture feel somewhat like a snapshot. Hell of a snapshot though :).


    P.S. Your portfolio is incredibly original. I am amazed!

    Strathmartine Sky


    I hear you Stweart! it looks like some folks have developed batch processing for their 3/3 upon one click! I also don't mind people giving me 3/3, but an explenation would be great.


    Ayway, I love the sky and composition. Also the color contrast. Everything works well. Congrats!

    The tree


    Great photo you got here! I like blur to sharp transition as well as the brightness/darkness contrast. Both these atributes keep an eye within the frame. The shape of the branches adds to the interest and, along with the great tones and composition, to the mood. You got great portfolio here. My regards.


    P.S. Thanks for the comment on my photo.


    The feel of this photo is amazing. Takes me back to XVth century. I love how you overlaid the layers and Gaussian blurred it (is that what you did?). I would love to see it without modernly dressed people though. Ipressive capture Gianluca. Congratulations!
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