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Image Comments posted by hekate



    Andrey, thank you, I'm so glad you like it !

    Katja : It's ok :), I understand, I don't really care so much about ratings anyway. I am more interested in how people feel when they see it. Thanks for commenting, it means a lot to me. Hekate

  1. Thank you for looking Les !

    As a matter of fact, yesterday, when I made this image, I was processing on a laptop and I was quite satisfied with the result I got, but afterwards, when I transfered the image on the computer I saw that the result was so different! I had to start all over using an intermediate .psd version and maybe the lady is too sharp, even though I wanted the left side to look sharper than the right side because it represents reality, in a way, and the lady is descending ; the right side would be the subconscious (it's "downstairs", the world of instincts, of dark corners, of the repressed...) I will experiment further processing. Thank you for your constructive critique ! Cheers ! Hekate


    Thank you Les for your comments ! I wanted to get a nightmarish, haunting representation, but beautiful at the same time. I wanted to give her a mysterious look, to combine beauty and decay. I want the viewers to be seduced but also to experience a sort of fear. I also wanted this to look like a mask, without the eyes, leaving thus a space for identification, for a sort of empathy, if you like... Of course I understand and respect the fact that you imagine Rebecca differently. It's natural to have different perspectives. This was my vision at the moment. Maybe I'll do another version later, who knows :)) It would be interesting to explore such ambivalent things. Thanks for the critique ! See you around, Hekate
  2. Beautiful idea, good representation of shadows, interesting symbolism light/dark, aggression/invasion of the exterior space (through the open window), very good position of the child... Different uses of hands (for grabbing & scaring, but also for defence, covering the eyes.....What about crying ? The child seems to be crying... Those strange, scary shapes are very nice. Good visual representation of fear. I like it very, very much ! Congrats ! ;) Hekate


    Thank you for looking ! Magdalena : this is not a picture taken after a painting. It is a photomanipulation. When I said "portrait" I was referring to a representation. This is my face you see in the picture, transformed, of course :)Rebecca is a literary character, she gives the title of a novel by Daphne du Maurier. In the novel, she only exists "in absentia" (she is dead), so this is the way I pictured her. I could post also the original photo, but that would take away the mystery, wouldn't it ?
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