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Posts posted by originaljoie

  1. <p>My brother has an Olympus Stylus 720SW and 1030SW and I the 790SW and 850SW.</p>

    <p>There shock proof to 5ft and water proof to 10ft, although I think the new tough 8000 is 10ft shock and 30ft water. I can say they all meet that criteria, my borther went through three HP P+S cameras before the first Olympus from droping it on the pavement and the 720 took more trips that we can count across the ground, the floor, counter tops and anything else. We've even dropped it a couple times in Best Buy just to show someone looking at them that it does what it says. Both of ours have bene in pools, lakes, rainstorms, and a few other places so the waterproof works too, just have to watch for rain drops on the lens.</p>

    <p>I carry mine everywhere I go as my 20D is a bit to big to fit in my pocket. It's not got alot in the way of manual control but it's a great snapshot camera and the image quality is excellent for the size. The in camera panoramic only works with Olympus cards and although I typically stitch mine out of camera I have done a couple in camera to see how it works and it's a pretty good feature.</p>

    <p>The 850SW and higher will also shoot 640x480 30FPS video up to the size of the card when using an Olympus Type M+ XD card, any other cards and you are limited to 10 second 640x480 30FPS or 320x240 30Fps for the length of the card.</p>

  2. Photoshop is the bee's knees, but lets face it if you are only wanting to "fix" your technical screw-ups then you don't need it. DPP will take care of the RAW adjustments and processing without the added cost of more software. If you're needs run more into the Photoshop realm and DPP just can't do everything you need then Elemnets is the thing to get. Shop around and if you find the right scanner or tablet it will be free. Even the $100 Wacom tablet comes with a free copy of Elements.
  3. 6 months old? Warranty? I've warrantied a copule of WD's that were right at the end of there 5 year period, and WD replaced them and they've been running fine for about 2 years now.


    I've had a 60Gb WD pocket-drive (small USB powered) for a couple years now no issues, and I bought a 250 pocket-drive and a 500Gb My book about 3 months ago and so far they are running fine.


    I've had a 360Gb Seagate version of the my book for almost a year and it's been running great as well.


    In my 10 or so years of bulding, selling, repairing, and upgrading computers I've always been a big fan of, in no particular order, Seagate, WD, IBM and to a lesser extent, and only because I've not used them as much as the other three, only in laptops, Hitachi.

  4. <a href=http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/cpg_digital_sw.asp>Olympus Underwater Models</a>


    My brother has the 720 and it takes great pictures in and out of the water. The shock proof is also quite good as he has dropped it out of the car, kicked it across the floor and dropped it a few times too demonstrate. It's small and pretty much flat so he carries it in his pocket everywhere he goes. I'm currently looking at the 790 to carry around as my 20D is a bit much for a take everywhere camera. The 770 is waterproof to 30Ft but lacks a few of the features of the 790 and 720 which are 10ft.


    A video camera it is not but being water proof her eis a video we shot with it while it was pooring rain a few months ago on a scooter ride.


    It's in Windows Media Player format: <a href=http://scootelite.com/videos/cadescove.wmv>Cades Cove</a>

  5. I have a 17" wide screen laptop and a 4X5 graphire I carry with it. I know in my mind the aspect ratio doesn't match but when using it I can't tell the difference. The Intuoso has a few extra bells and wistles but to me it's not worth the cost. If I had it to do all over again I would have bought the next size up though, the bigger the tablet the more fine the movements are, bigger tablet smaller ratio of pixel to tablet, but if you get to big you run out of space.
  6. I can't comment on the 8Gb but I have a lexar 1gb and a ultra II 1gb and have used a 3Gb micro drive. The Ultra II empties the buffer quicker than the microdrive or the lexar but unless you're constantly filling up the buffer you'll never notice the speed increase in camera.


    If you just want a 8Gb card and you think the price is a good deal then go for it, but if you already have an 8gb and you're rarely ever filling the buffer then don't bother.

  7. 4. I attached a bungee cord to the center post of my tripod and step into it before shooting. This places several pounds of pulldown and makes for a more stable platform for photographing.


    That's an excellent idea. I hang the camera bag under mine but hadn't thought about standing on it. Excellent idea for slightly long exposures as well.

  8. Alistair, I understand why stacking but really there is no need to take more than one, you can just take one 5 minute exposure and process the RAW file 5 times and stack all 5. With a tracking mount whether you take one or 15 your taking the same picture multiple times but not gaining any new info.


    I just don't see the difference between processing one RAW file 5 times and taking 5 seperate shots. I thought maybe I was missing something.

  9. What's the point of taking multiple exposures?


    With a tracking mount you're taking the exact same picture each time, is that not the same as just taking one shot processing the RAW file multiple times and then stacking it?


    Whether it is 5 seperate shots or the same shot processed 5 times the image information will be the same.


    Or am I missing something?

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