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Image Comments posted by mawest

  1. I agree with Michael...a good composition and nice colors, but the sharpness of the ride itself is a bit bothersome...having gotten myself sick on one of these before, I would probably tend more toward dragging the ride (blurring the motion) rather than trying to stop it (and then make it sharp)...


    Cute cat...can you get a little more depth of field and maybe even up the lighting a little more (more lighting on the rest of the cat too...then again maybe that would just end up being distracting...)
  2. She's got a great expression and having her eyes closed does not disrupt (but actually adds to) the moment. What is the darker area to the right of her head...maybe burning? You might try dodging that part out a bit. I think I might also prefer this cropped a bit more off the top and off the right hand side to place her in the upper left of the frame...IMO :)

    Cold Power

    I like the blue tint to the picture, and I definately like the left side deep blues but, IMO I find the dark piece in the center a bit distracting...the feel of the picture fits well with your title though.


    You've got some great stuff in your portfolio! I like your sense of lines and shadows...they make your black and white images strong. This one also makes good use of the focus, drawing my eyes into the picture and back around. Well done!



    Nice shot! I like the partially submerged idea it really places the subject as a part of the water. I agree with Lyle, I'm really attracted to her eyes. Looking at it for a while I enjoyed figuring out the reflection in front...I'm glad you left the swedes (googles) in the picture it makes me think she actually is a swimmer and not just a model in the water...Well done!



    You've done a nice job with the dragging in all of these. The leaf in the bottom right hand corner in this one and another seems a bit hot. Also the glare on the rock in the top left is a bit distracting. Then again, my drags done come out so well, so take this with a grain of salt...[grin]



    [grin] THis reminds me of some pictures I took while in China. I was going to call them "writing with vegetables" or something of that sort. Nice texture and focus.


    Portrait #1

    I'm usually one to look at the eyes as the main part of a portrait...and I think with her eyes closed it works really well. She looks at peace. The grain in the photo and the soft focus also work nicely together. Well done!


  3. Your work is great. I especially like the swimming related pictures...we don't get all that much press and it is rare to see a picture that doesn't have too much splash or an awfully contorted mouth position (breathing).

    I understand what you said about arranging your subject with respect to the slide. It is quite difficult as even the slightest movement changes the light on their face. I like how you got his eyes into the right spots on the mountain...that must have taken a bunch of frames. I experimented a bit with this for a CD cover a while ago...Except in mine, I tried to make the projection on the subject the main component in the picture (rather than using the slide as the background). Have you tried anything like this before? I would appreciate your insight...my pictures are here and here.


  4. As I remember the day was very hot...somewhere around 99 Fahrenheit (about 37 Celsius) and the sky was smogged in. BaDaLing (the site of this section of the wall) was actually quite crowded but no one was climbing beyond the first vertical section...Little did they know that beyond that first STEEP part was a pretty long stretch of fairly flat wall that was easy to walk...[grin]...Also, I've heard that even since then (about 3 and a half years ago now) the traffic has picked up quite a bit. So the lack of people was a fair a mount of luck...then again even now if you walk far enough (GanSu Province :)) I know there are even less crowded sections!


    Great shot! The lighting is nice...is it from a window or was this in a studio situation? I might have tried to get a bit more of the "tiny hand" in the frame as well [just my opinion though] and there's a thin dark line on the left side you might want to PS out. The picture made me smile...Feet and Hands are great subjects for portraits.


    I also like the perspecitve. The depth of field is interesting too...it kind of makes you wonder what the rest of the person is doing...laying down, kneeling? You might want to try to get the dust/hair off of the lower left...either reprinting it or PS ing it. Nice work.
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