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Image Comments posted by jimmycannon

  1. Regardless of megapixels. This shot takes me there. The softness in the depth makes this shot. I feel almost cold and somewhat curious of what lies beyond this path. I really like this shot alot Roy.
  2. I'm glad actually that you havent taken a macro shot of an eye. Now maybe you can understand the differences between our creativity. Every photographer has different things they think are interesting. I would'nt have left a comment on you pictures saying, "wanna critique....ok, portrait shots are overdone by professional photographers". Thats not a critique, it's slamming someone elses creativity because they don't always think like them. You can now think of something simple and clever to say to make yourself feel better, but it doesn't change the fact that your not very good at critiquing other photographers work.....By the way, your portraits are quite good. This is my last comment on the subject. Thanks for the interesting comments.



  3. Just to let you know I would never rate your photos badly because I don't agree with your critique. The only problem with your critique is that it came off very rude and cocky. Like I said before...everyone starts as a beginner and you should never make them feel badly about there first eye shots and things like that. I guess you never have took a macro shot of the eye?
  4. Well, Its another over critical comment by the worlds best photographers of the entire universe. They can't be touched by noone.....LOL ! Anyway, I like critics that are not so snood and rude but sometimes they find you regardless. I find it hard to beleive that these masters of our universe never had a beginning to their creativity...they just began shooting photographs at a higher level that everyone else the first time they picked up a camera. SURE THEY DID..LOL
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