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Posts posted by rayanthony1

  1. <p>I've requested a review by the admins of this site to seek out as to if my post violates any said or stated policies. As far as my recently chosen name for my company, I will make no apologies nor excuses as to what it is and or as to how it comes off. It is what it is, and have never had anyone have any qualms nor complaints about it up until now.<br>

    If anyone has any issues about such, doubts, skepticism, and or simply just adding their two-bits due to too much time or their hands, simply do not apply and leave the worrying, if any, to me as to whom may or may not take such seriously or if it offends someones precious senses.<br>

    Further more, I was recently contacted by the network 'G4', for the third time seeking material from me, whereas I disregarded such as spam, and thought it was a solicitation for a private jet company. I did not have any knee jerk reaction and make issue with G4 and request that they in turn change their name to something more "businesslike."<br>

    In regards to a website or Facebook suggestion, I feel no need for such, for if you correctly read my post above, it simply states anyone that wishes to be considered for a part in the mentioned series we are in the CONCEPTUAL stages of series development and anymore information divulged would open the door to possible theft of my intellectual property.</p>

  2. <p>I am presently seeking talent/photographers for a Docu-Style Reality TV Series in the conceptual stages.</p>

    <p>As mentioned above, the series is in the conceptual stages, that said, we are seeking photographers that can make themselves available once the talent seeking stages begin. Any and all that are chosen will be compensated.</p>

    <p>We seek EXPERIENCED ONLY photographers in each genre:<br>

    Sports Shooters (preferably US)<br>

    Fashion Photogs (worldwide)<br>

    Paparazzi's (preferably NY & LA)<br>

    Wildlife Photographers (worldwide)<br>

    Photojournalist's (preferably hot-spots abroad)</p>

    <p>All that may be interested and can be added to an on-call and standing status contact me at:<br>


    <p>Thank You</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. I feel your pain man! I recently sent in my D300 due to misaligned holes in my newly purchased Lexar CF card which

    resulted in bent pins. Just got the service agreement email and drum roll please....$200.00! So I can't even imagine

    what your bill would be like. Ouch! I once heard that if a camera becomes submerged you should bag-it in water and

    leave it as such to avoid it from eroding. I know it workied well for a kat I know who dunked his F5 and did as advised,

    big bill but leaving it in water was his best bet and turned out so. No erosion.

  4. Shooting in France is more restrictive because Johnny Depp moved there. It's called socio-economic status. See he's rich and he can have anything he wants even if that includes having laws passed so no one can photograph him and or his little spawns of Satan. I mean come on! Shoot Johnny Depp! Is he that special or something?
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