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Image Comments posted by stacey_d

  1. Hi Ian! With those heavy, rain filled clouds I think the foreground almost seems too light...maybe converting this to a dramatic b&w will convey the drama those clouds are surely bringing? Beautiful countryside, though..

    little boy blue

    This is adorable! I think I wouldve cropped out the block (but then again, maybe not - youd lose his cute little hand) - I do love his expression and the perspective!


    Hi Flemming! I am distracted by the light shining in her eyes and the stripes/dots on her shirt...but maybe thats just me :-) Her hair is a bit lost, too...maybe a different background?


    They are so hard to shoot (with a camera, of course, hehe), arent they? So quick, so skittish. Just that you were able to get this one off is a major coup...Awesome picture :-) And I completely understand about your frustrations...however, I just learned (just!) that if you comment others, they will comment you, despite all your pleas to comment/critique in the Photo Critique forum - odd, yes, but it works - plus Ive learned that I can learn from looking, too. Anyway, great shot :-)
  2. Thank you, Pawal! This photo has gotten many nice comments, despite my adversity to it, haha! I think the blurriness bugs me, becuase normally I love silhouettes, especially unusual ones. THank you so much for taking the time to give me feedback!
  3. I agree...it almost seems washed out with sepia. I think I was so engrossed in manipulating this and experimenting with sepia and holga effects that I lost sight of the pic....Ill play around with it and repost...thank you!
  4. oh wow....you know, I waited and waited until all people LEFT this area so I could shoot it, but you do have a point...I will go back to see what I can come up with, with your advice...thanks so much, Tim!
  5. Charles,


    Actually this is my mom's backyard - she's got 4 acres, and at sunset I wandered around snapping everythign and everywhere because I was excited about the lighting. Thank you again! It IS very helpful!

    Roadside Beauty


    Hi again, CHarles!


    I see your point...a higher viewpoint would really have made the mountain stand out...the road also bugs me, but still this is one of my favorite shots of mine. Gonna try this shot again with your suggestion and see what I come up with.

  6. Thanks, Charles, I appreciate the comment! Is it just the odd viewpoint? Does the focus of the tree bother you, too? Something about this bugged me too, and I couldnt put my finger on it...this photo is kind of old, and I was proud of it when I posted it, but now....Im with you, I dont like it much, lol


    Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback...I very much appreciate that.


    Ahh, my favortie medium (black and white)! I love the drama, especially in the sky. Those rays are fantastic! Maybe a bit too dark, but very nicely captured!
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