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Posts posted by arthur_kerns

  1. <p> I am a NAUI certified DiveMaster, and I live in the middle of a desert. I have traveled to several wonderful locations, and shot many pictures. My gear was some of the best I could afford but when it came to low light and depths below 100 feet, my slave strobe backscattered and housings leaked. I missed macro shots that were thrilling, tiny creatures most people don't see, and shots of animals that are so rarely seen and misunderstood. I know the names and can spot these animals when others are inches away and when I point they still can't see past the camouflage.It wasn't my ability to dive that stopped me it was my gear. I drool at the new waterproof digital cameras and wish I could afford them. I would travel back to the Channel Islands of California and shoot the endangered species as well as those like the angel shark, I swam with one at one hundred and thirty feet deep only an arms length away and was helpless to take its' picture. A shot missed and kept only in my minds eye.</p>
  2. <p>The real use of this ,"Anti-terrorism," approach isn't really about terrorism. Stopping shutter-bugs is only a piece of what adds up to a proliferation of control through fear. As previously stated the chances of being caught up in a terrorist attack is about the same as winning the lottery. So why the big to do? The persons attacked aren't the concern of either the law or the terrorists. It's the control,power and money lost by those in power that is their concern. And on the other is the wanton use of violence to gain control, money and power. It's been this way,the poor die for the rich to get richer,fatter and greedier,in every war ever fought. Talk to someone who knows about the holocaust,and see that the German government took away the peoples guns to ,"protect," them. Don't be fooled by what adds up to a practically non-existent threat to lose your freedom for safety.</p>
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