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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by sideris

  1. I don't use Adobe Photoshop, I have had a trial for a while but I didn't like it too much, I'm lazy and the learning curve is steep and long, on the other hand it's needlessly expensive taking in account that I'm a dilettante, not a photographer. For years I used Corel Photo Paint X, imho much better, friendly, efficient and cheaper! Lately I have a Macintosh computer, so, now I have Gimp for Mac, free, and pretty spartan, then I can't joke anymore, I must learn to take better photos then the need for edition is reduced. Now, can you be more accurate with your critiques on the pictures you pointed in the same folder? I's very intriguing and would be useful for me. At last, what do you mean exactly with "bells and whistles"? Said that, I appreciate your time spent in comments on my photographies.
  2. sideris


    I'm so glad because you like my work, thank you a lot for your flattering words!
  3. This image was taken in colors, of course, turned to bw without any kind of postprocess, perhaps you must calibrate your screen, perhaps I must calibrate my screen, who knows? Thank you very much for your time and your critique!
  4. sideris


    Thank you for your time and your critique, technically accurate no doubts, but let me tell you that you're pointing a fact that I always knew, sometimes you get what you get and no more. But this isn't a "fine art" intend, this is a humble portrait full of academical defects trying to transmit the character of a human being, exploring in consequence the reaction of the observers. Next time I'll take in account your critique, but don't expect a better result, I am not a good photographer, I'm a dilettante. Fred Thank you for your meaningful comments as a response to "Anonymous", evidently he has a different concept about photography, no better nor worst, just different, more technically pure as an important side of the work. We (you and I, John, and other people) watch photos expecting emotions beyond the rules, sometimes the photo follows accurately those rules, sometimes breaking the rules without mercy nor shame. Then what? Then we feels, because photographies are emotions. As you point with your words, styles are a personal signature, depending from the inextricable mind of each photographer in first place and above everything. After that, variations are an infinite arch, as the life is in itself.
  5. sideris


    A woman, the most extraordinary creature on earth, captured with artistic sensibility in her inimitable splendid nature. Very well done my friend, specially the use of available lightning. Chapeau!
  6. sideris


    Me too, she is beautifully blonde, with large curls, and she always has a mess in the hair like if she don't care, lovely personality of a great young model. Thank you Stephanie.
  7. sideris


    Astounding, the photographic purity is a must. The tonal range of her skin, the accurate framing, the lightning!, her delicate body language captured in the precise millisecond, even the background is perfect to remark this extraordinary feminine character. Her body and facial expression is magnetic and mysterious at once, leading my mind to "Nascita de Venere" by Boticcelli. imho it's one of your best works of the year. Chapeau mon ami!
  8. sideris


    Don't worry about your personal opinion about this work, it's always interesting to see the different perception of each observer. Thank you very much for your time and your comment. Fred I have the same feeling about the upper left light area, aimed to give depth and perspective to the composition. About the extremely dark hair area, I had no option, if I enlighten it to provide details the cheek becomes blown loosing character and meaning. Nevertheless, I agree with you about this point. Again, you're right, I have the same feeling about the oppressive darkness and her enigmatic expression. Thank you very much for your words dear friend.
  9. sideris


    This subject has an abstract eroticism indeed, photogenic and provoking, this structure is dynamic, has motion and flows in a strange way. My intention is aimed to capture just a molecule of the impression provoked in my mind. Merit? The architect! About the movie "Fifty shades..." well my dear friend, it's too boring, I agree with you. Thanks a lot John.
  10. sideris


    Exposure Date: 2009:05:23 23:01:27; Make: PENTAX Corporation ; Model: PENTAX K20D ; Exposure Time: 0.125 s; FNumber: f/1.9; ISOSpeedRatings: ISO 200; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0.3 MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 43 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 64 mm; Software: GIMP 2.6.11;
  11. sideris

    BACKSTAGE moments ...

    Ah! dear friend, how I miss this kitchen and your whole house at H! As always, your spontaneity with a camera in your hands still being remarkable!.
  12. sideris


    I agree with you, it was my first time and mi impression is that NY has an awesome culture, a rich mix where tolerance is a value, the connection, the multi language cacophony, the hospitable character of each one, and the incredible arch of artistic options to see and enjoy. I fell in love with this city. About the "ribs", absolutely beautiful work of art, I was taking pictures along hours. But as you should know sometimes I'm lazy, an I need the exact impulse, a special state of mind in order to process my pix. Thank you my friend. Tony As you can read in my previous comment to Fred, I took dozens of pictures, and my pre selection was pretty hard to do, indeed is quite easy to take a good one with a captivating subject as it is, only need to be carefully with the hour, preferably early in the morning, or late in the afternoon (my case). Thanks a lot. George I should recognize that it wasn't very difficult to do, I only was careful with the light angle, I mean, not my merit, but the architect imagination. Delightful work. Thank you very much for your visit.
  13. Motion, dynamics, aesthetically appealing, this remarkable image has everything. BW fits perfectly with the concept, excellent work my friend.
  14. sideris


    Very good question mon ami, Who is the ghost here? Both of them, I should say. Merci beaucoup! Michail This is a montage of two interesting photos taken at the old Acropolis Museum, with a film Canon EOS1000, several (too much) years ago. I miss those golden years of mi life. Efgaristo poli! Mau I'm glad with your visit and your encouraging words, you know, photos are feelings, an this one is particularly touching for me. Tante grazie amico mio!
  15. sideris


    You're right, there is a story in there, a simple one, but imho sometimes the mystery works better. Thank you a lot for your kind comment! Michail Efgaristo poli! thank you a lot my friend, this photo has a singular significance for me. John I guess your infrequent access to the net are a consequence of your delightful life in H. Oh! I'm envious now! Thank you dear friend.
  16. sideris

    King and Queen

    Beautifully impressive!! Excellent use of available lightning, great framing and resolution. Very well done.
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