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Everything posted by sideris

  1. sideris


    I believe that always there is a connection between a photo as a creation, the subject, the photographer and the thoughts (expressed in words) of the observer. You don't need apologize because the connection is real, you're right. Thank you so much for your rich comment John. Donna This model is very expressive (and photogenic!), she has the rare ability to capture the idea of the photographer performing almost a miracle in front of the camera, because always she adds an unexpected emotional character overwhelming my original idea. She is a great model to work with. Thanks a lot for your visit and encouraging words. Marie What a nice surprise to see you watching and commenting my photos! Here you've expressed a deep and sophisticated thought, I sign each word you've said, we share a very similar concept about photography. I'm a bit blush at last, you're a real photographer, I'm a dilettante!. My gratitude to you Marie. Mario Another nice surprise to see you too commenting on my works, muito obrigado!
  2. sideris


    This is the third time I visit this image. And each visit provokes strange feelings, in the good sense, of course. I mean, the first impression is her personality jumping from the screen straight to my mind, this lovely mix of sensuality, self confidence and a kind of irony is mesmerizing. The second impression is the natural impact provoked by her beauty captured with mastery. When a photo deserves several visits and shakes the observer then it is a good one, at least. On the technical side, the tonal range is astonishing, the use of light, the accurate framing, her sinuous figure remarked by the background. What can I say? Chapeau. The black gloves and dark gray garments contrasting with her skin, the pearls necklace, all those details are much more than simply accessories for the scenery. In this particular case they are part of the backbone of the concept. In my opinion this portrait of a young lady is one of your best.
  3. sideris


    The original concept is based on the feminine inner world, her peaceful stance simultaneously reveals her deep thoughts, her mind is focused, her body relaxed. In my imagination her nature is nudity, I mean, she is free in every senses, she do prefer nudity as her natural way of life, she feels comfortable and self conscious. And you're right, she does exists, but in her personal universe, a fascinating universe. Well my friend, this pretended world is nailed exclusively in my mind, and my intention was to capture the idea trying to transmit it to the observer. About the photographic quality, it is mediocre, not too many post process options with a low quality scan of a low quality negative, but if one take it like an emotional message more than a photo, then perhaps it could work. Thank you very much Fred.
  4. sideris


    Scanned from an old BW Ilford FP4 Plus 125 negative. Noisy, scratchy, careless developing process. I'm sorry.
  5. sideris

    JEM 12-14-15 145

    Almost speechless in front of this marvelous expression, another gem among pearls. Chapeau mister.
  6. sideris


    Merci beaucoup mon ami! Taken handheld by night at home, ISO 100, poor available light, F 2.8, 1/40s, 135mm prime lens (203mm film, so shallow dof), experimenting with my new Pentax K3-II, and I'm quite satisfied with this camera! Of course, post processed with Gimp, but only converted to BW, curves correction and no more. Thanks again Pierre.
  7. sideris


    You hit the nail. Taken several years ago, this young girl was thirteen. Nowadays she is 21 more or less, and her eyes keep these unexplainable depth, but I must say her gaze, more than her eyes. Delicate, intelligent, sensitive, she grew up and still being a great person. My gratitude for your comment, and my best wishes of success and happiness to you in 2016.
  8. sideris


    There is a wild world outside, even despite the destruction spread by the human civilization, some isolated lands still being untamed. This is the last one perhaps, who knows. The elusive photons reach our eyes, and one try to capture this traces of purity with our cameras. This range is at the northwest of the Patagonia, near to the monumental Andes range, it is a formidable multiple volcanic complex, inaccessible, extremely dry, windy, savage, where the silent solitude is the thrilling routine and a bless at the same time. The most easy way to get there? The only way, I must say, take your camera with a good telephoto, like me! ;-) You know, I always try to get the emotional impact on me transferred to the camera, only few times I'm successful. Perhaps this day, perhaps not. Thanks a lot my friend.
  9. sideris

    When We Were Young

    Of course after a comment like John did, there is no much to add. But here my 2 cents for you. Her beauty is overwhelming, the strong contact with the photographer too, she feels comfy in front of the lens, she is perfectly conscious about her undeniable power. She knows. About the strong light, in my opinion fits with the concept, even despite the high contrast you've managed the aperture with mastery under harsh conditions, so, imho the post process is simply right. Evocative and provocative, a delicate image to keep in the memory. Chapeau mister, and my congratulations to your sophisticated model.
  10. sideris

    B+W Grass

    Such a delicate exercise of aesthetics and accurate technique. A beautiful image. Chapeau.
  11. sideris

    Moderately scared

    Your fertile imagination and your restless creativity is simply awesome. This creation is mesmerizing, forcing the observer to watch once again and again, trying to catch the sense under the emotional impact. Chapeau monsieur. btw, your model is fantastic!
  12. sideris


    This precious woman seems like Julie Christie in Doctor Zhivago, even the mood and the scarf fits with the character. Great resolution and light managing, to my fave folder. Chapeau madame.
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