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lynne ross

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Image Comments posted by lynne ross

    Nature's Glory

    Oh dear, now you are having problems with centring an image. Phil, I like it. Lovely deep colours - carnations are one of my favourite flowers and I feel like I can pick this one off the screen. Nice shot. Lynne

    The Filly

    This is such a lovely photo - you have captured the charm of this beautiful colt so well. Definition is superb - you can see each hair, eyelash. Very well done. Lynne


    Very nice shot. Wish I looked like this. Like the balance of the photo - very attractive model. Best regards from Australia, Lynne




    You have captured the love between them so well. Your son is adorable and the arm around the cat's neck says it all. Cats are notoriously hard to photograph - this one has such a relaxed, contented look on his face and his eyes are a great green. Well shot. Lynne

  1. I am just learning how to use my new camera and so far have found the results different from my other Canon. I just use a point & shoot - don't think I could master the complexity of an SLR. But I don't seem to be gettingn the quality of photo that I had with my simpler Canon. Anyway, glad you like this one. Thanks for your comment. Lynne



    Hi Jacynthe,


    Bonjour from Australia. The framing of this photo really makes it - it is distinctive and unusual. I think this one is worthy of a place on your wall. I love photos of seagulls and this is one of the best I've seen. Well done. Lynne

  2. Hi Steve,


    Thanks for your comments on my photo of St Kilda Marina. I love the detail in this shot - you can see the different colours of the well defined feathers and the lines on their faces. Good title too. Well shot. I thought for a minute they were Australian birds. What are they, do you know? All the best from Australia. Lynne

    St Kilda Marina


    I am a bit manual illiterate, Mike. Much better to be shown how to do something. As for filters, I only have a point & shoot camera - it isn't possible to get filters for that kind of camera?? One of these days I will upgrade to a digital SLR, but for now, stuck with what I've got.


    I actually had a Canon PowerShot A80 and that is what I used for the bulk of what you see on PN. I have just recently started using a Canon PS A640 and am not nearly as happy with the results. I am not sure if it is me or the camera. Maybe need to practise more. L.



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