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Image Comments posted by phokus

  1. Jerry: When it comes to the steps used here, I am close to having no idea:-). I just tried different things, and tried to find out what worked the best. But I can try...
    First of all, I croped this because the lower part was not top. She has silver body paint. After, I desaturated a lot, and retouched her nipple just to get a more robotic feel. I then tried out three or four different textures, and kept two, and then desaturated again.
    Finally, I added a color effect to get the green/blue tint.
    I will see of there are more images from this shoot that could look good in a similar style:-)

    Appreciate the words:-)

  2. I really appreciate your input, but as you say, one can not argue taste!

    This was sort of an experiment for me, finding a file that has been lying "dead" on my hard disk...I find that going through earlier work, and trying to find solutions and ideas can be rewarding.
    Thanks for noticing:-) 

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