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Posts posted by kelly_dykstra1

  1. Thanks for all your responses. Ian--the first one is of a silk flower piece, I thought it was interesting because the shape resembled a bird or a angel. The second is actually a robin's egg. I wish I could have gotten closer with this one, but the lens/camera wouldn't let me. These were taken with a yashica mat--80mm. I agree, this two are a bit elusive as far as the subject.
  2. I posted awhile back about the desire to start a new project photographing in graveyards and pointers

    about avoiding cliche. I started the project and I am interested in opinions about some of the pictures. I

    still have tons to scan and edit from, but these are some that I like so far. I am calling this project

    "amaranthine" I am interested in the atmosphere of these places, ideas about life and death, the

    metaphors, hidden details and symbolism, etc..feedback would be appreciated. To see the pictures click

    on my portfolio.

  3. I am starting a new project and I need some advice. I think it's challenging

    because the subject matter is somewhat of a cliche in photography. I want to

    photograph in graveyards--medium format color. I don't want to photograph in the

    way that graveyards have been traditionally photographed..i.e..b&w, tombstones

    etc..I am interested in focusing on the atmosphere of these places, the ideas of

    them being portals between life and death--more of the psychology behind

    them--what they say about views of spirituality, or the "feelings" of them.

    Anyone have any ideas on this project? Advice on how to make sure that I avoid


    Any work I should look at? I will post images as I get them scanned.

  4. I just purchased a Yashica Mat 124G from ebay. I loaded a roll in today and

    noticed a problem keeping the film tight. When I use my Seagull the film rolls

    completely tight, but with the Yashica there seems to be slack. Anyone have the

    same problem and know how to fix this?

  5. I just got a RB67 off ebay. I was testing out the shutter. I cocked it, but now

    I can't get it to depress and fire. It won't close. I believe it is missing the

    dark slide. I am new to the camera and I have no idea. Help! I checked that the

    shutter is set on the white dot, the lens is on N. Should I get it checked out?

  6. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me advice regarding apporoaching magazines for assignments

    and submissions. Do I just send the editor a promo/portfolio of my work? How does this all work exactly?

    Do most magazines prefer a photographer with their own studio?


    Thanks so much!



  7. Just wondering others opinions on the online MFA/MA programs floating around. I just recieved my BFA

    from Columbia College and I am still nervous about job prospects. I am going to try and get an internship.

    What are people's opinions surrounding MA programs. I am also curious about other job experiences after

    they finished their photography degree.

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