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Posts posted by henry_s3

  1. <p>Pity you didn't ask this question 10 days ago! On the website giveawayoftheday.com there was a freebee called Picture Collage Maker (don't know what it's like!). If you go onto their website you can see the info for it on 18 March. It got 69% thumbs up. GAOD often offers similar progs so if you're in no hurry, just wait until this offer or a similar one comes aup again. Alternatively google "collage maker" + free and you'll get over 40 hits.</p>
  2. I had continual problems with my 20D and Sigma 18-200 f3.5-6.3 lens. I sent in the lens for it to be recalibrated. It took them forever and a day and then they replied that the lens was fine (which it wasn't - nearly all my prints were telling me so!) and didn't need recalibrating. Two local photo dealers examined the lens on the body and also clearly stated that the lens was not in order. Sigma was not interested. I was later given the tip by the dealers that one should send in both the lens and the body so that the lens is set up for the body and they were surprised Sigma never told me this. I bought this lens because I had been very pleased with the Sigma 28-200 analog lens. However, I got so fed up with fuzzy pictures on the 20D and Sigma's lack of interest, that I bought myself a Canon lens. Now no problems! O.K. it's considerably heavier but I don't need to go to the gym any more!
  3. According to German test reports, the best price/quality ratio can be got from Lidl (lidlfoto.de) and second best from Pixum (pixum.de).

    If you're interested in photo books, again Lidl came out top and t-online (t-online.de/fotoservice) came second. I'm going on the principal that you're interested in internet services.


    Viel Glück (= good luck)


    henry.fotoman (www.fotoman.fotopic.net)

  4. It also depends at what angle you are holding the camera to the surface which is reflecting light that you want to photograph . Maybe this will give you better results. When looking through the viewfinder at a blue sky and turning the filter, you should notice the intensity of the blueness of the sky changing - i.e. it will become 'darker' or 'lighter'. A low price does not necessarily mean a bad product! Good luck!
  5. I believe that too many people consider PS to be photography. In the 'good olde days' when taking pictures was with film, we did our best to make as near certain as possible that the end result was going to be up to our expectations BEFORE we pressed the shutter button. Certain changes could be made if we did our own B & W developing and printing but most of us had to accept that our colour enprints (when was the last time I used that word?!) were really 'end prints' with no manipulation possible. Today, digital cameras are practically as usual as mobile phones and everyone's taking digital pictures (this is not to be considered as a negative judgement); those who are slightly more interested in the final pictures then have the chance of changing them with PS or other cheaper but broadly speaking similar programmes. To my mind the majority of the producers of these pictures are not showing their ability and skill as a photographer but as a computer user. And we are being conned into thinking that a picture that hasn't been PSed but retains its 'flaws' is no longer a decent picture. A 'photographer' friend of mine was asked by a mother to take photos of her 16-year old daughter. This he did and then proceded, among other things, to erase all the spots from her face and even a small mole on her neck, leaving pictures of the girl which could have been on almost any magazine cover. The mother was furious because she wanted pictures of her daughter as she was and not as the 'photographer' thought she should look. As Bob A says, there are many types of 'quality'. Perhaps just as packets of cigarettes have health warnings on them, photos should indicate if they have been PSed: at least that way we would more or less know if we're looking at an approximation of reality or admiring something that has been cleverly changed with the help of a computer.
  6. I have sometimes had to use PhotoRescue with some success. However, I believe that once you have taken more photos 'on top of' the old photos, there is little chance of saving the old photos. What a sad and frustrating situation! Wish I could help you more. Wish you all success. BTW it might be of interest to other readers if you kept us up to date with how things go.
  7. Hi there Rene'!


    What a fast response! All three cameras I mentioned are really very new on the market - the Casio for example was announced at the Consumer Electronics Association fair in Las Vegas on 8th January and the two Panasonic Lumixes on 31 January. I'm interested in them because of the focal length going to 220-280 mm range, the large monitors of at least 2.5 inches and that they have 7,2 megapixel. Would these specifications coincide with the names you mentioned? I've often found companies change names from country to country - whether cameras or cars (e.g. Volkswagen Golf in Europe and Rabbit in the States)

  8. To avoid starting a new thread and as the content is more or less the same, I'm adding to this thread.

    A relative is going to the Kyoto Environmental Conference next week and has agreed to get me a camera but says she won't have much time for shopping around. I'm interested in one of the following:

    1. Casio Exilim V7 (355 Euro = $460 = 56,300 Yen)

    2. Panasonic Lumix TZ3 (395 Euro = $515 = 62,600 Yen)

    3. Panasonic Lumix LZ7 (247 Euro = $320 = 39,120 Yen)

    The Euro price is what I can get them for here in Germany and then I've roughly converted that to dollars and yen.

    Two questions: 1) as these cameras have just been brought onto the market, does anyone know if there is much of a saving when buying them in Japan and 2) does anyone know of any decent camera shops in Kyoto so that my relative doesn't have to run around looking for one?

    Thanks for your answers and I'll also send her the info about asking for a price list and the retail prices as mentioned above.

  9. I doubt whether she would have been able to use her damaged one in Portugal anyway as they have 230V and different electric plugs/sockets in Portugal. Why don't you try ebay? There isn't an ebay in Portugal but I just put in "Casio EX-Z750 charger" on German ebay (ebay.de) and came up with loads of offers all for about タ20 including postage - and they'll post to anwhere in Europe (e.g. http://cgi.ebay.de/Ladegeraet-fuer-NP-40-NP40-CASIO-EXILIM-ZOOM-EX-Z750_W0QQitemZ250021472331QQihZ015QQcategoryZ32954QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) Good luck!

    P.S. You could also try googling your requirements

  10. I've been using my Starblitz 300 DFC with my Canon EOS 50E for some years with

    no problems. I've just purchased a Canon 20D and would like to know if the

    Starblitz can be used on it. Why don't I try it out for myself? I've read

    several reports that if you us a 'wrong' flash on a digital camera, you can

    zap the electrics and the 20D was too expensive for such experiments! Thanks

    in advance for your replies.

    Henry S

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