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Image Comments posted by mike_stemberg

    Traveler's Palm



    I see this as easily see this working  printed in hi-quality (if you have the resolution)  for someone wanting to decorate a certain section of their wall space.

    Best - Mike

  1. Great scene, fantastic POV, with the rocks on the foreground right and the angles approach to the mountain in the distance and the brilliant sky, but I feel this is completely overproduced? Is it to disguise something?

    Best wishes.




    Interesting building sandwiched between two quite opposing styles of architecture . We see the wonder of the design . I suggest that a bit of of perspective correction  would do wonders to show us what you wanted us to see. Just a suggestion.

    Best wishes,


    DSC_4491 bw


    P.S. I came across the above image in the 'Rate Image' and rather than 'rate' tried to say something of a critique, and thus the above...


    And now .. Not  a P.S.

    After seeing the whole lot of other images of Oliver .....Congratultions, and best wishes to you and your family! ...and to heck with getting 'good rated' images. Just get and keep lots and lots of images, every day/week/month is different..., and you know, every now and then  forget you have a camera...

    best wishes - mike


    DSC_4491 bw


    A wonderfull touching moment that of creation of mother and child in communion!

    Emotionally and photographically,  I see  the mother clearly more sharper and formed as is the newborn less formed/diffused in clarity.

    Critically, as in any image the brighest areas of white attract the first attention and distract from any other perceived elements. I see the childs clothing as cutting the connection between the people that matters in the image. Decreasing the brightness there is what I think what would make this a more meaningful image.


    best wishes - mike

    Sand & Sea


    I would love this shot a whole lot more if not for the outside black framing ... too much of a clash with the delicate colours intrinsic to the image framed.


    best wishes - mike



    Very attractive at first, but then wondered about ratio between foreground and what's left of the sky. All in all and interestng perspective!

    Honey Bee?


    Thanks Ruud!

    Any ideas if this is really a honey bee? The more I thought I knew about creatures like bees, flys and wasps, I soon realised I knew very little.

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