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Image Comments posted by elaine.pullum

  1. Wow!  I think this is wonderful.  My only reservation is that my eye is continually drawn to the branch and distracted from the whole image, which works so beautifully as an abstract composition.  I love it anyhow.


    Equus caballus


    Just beautiful, what wonderful horses.  I find the rock in the water, which connects with the reflection of the horse's back leg, a bit of a distraction, but otherwise it's a lovely image, great colours and such a soft reflection.



    This is a fascinating photo, which I really like, but I am confused by the boy.  Perhaps it is the perspective messing with my mind, but he seems to not quite fit the image somehow in terms of size or position?  Has he been added? Otherwise a really fine, thoughtful picture.

  2. This is very strong and not just in the action.  In the thumbnail I thought the helmets were something sweet and pink and it was a shock to see what they really are.  They still carry that feeling though, which contrasts hugely with what is happening in the scene.  The flowery lights too contribute to that contradiction.  Hope you kept safe.  Well done.



    This is just lovely - the abstraction, the colours, all work really well.  I'm slightly distracted by the rock? at the top left and I would probably have Photoshopped it out, but that's just me.  Beautiful

  3. This is a lovely image; I particularly like the colours.  However, I don't think you need the blurring at the edges and it would be more interesting if the man were less centrally placed.  Good stuff.

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