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Image Comments posted by chad_robinson

  1. Hi Tim. This photo is amazing, its light, tones and the added interest of "I wonder what she see's". These are the things that imho make great photo's.Then I read your thread saying "anyone with any camera could have got this shot", truth is, not just anyone with any camera got this shot, YOU DID. So firstly thank you for the photo and thank you mostly for a very refreshing and inspiring attitude towards something I'm becoming more passionate about.


    Cheers C.R.

    Wind Draperies

    Nice work Paul, you have managed to get people talking about something we are all passionate about. The image/photo looks great and thats all you were tying to do, to those who wish too take this and themselves too seriously, I say "Pump up princess".

    Wall Flowers


    This image caught my eye at the smaller size and I was rewarded for my curiosity when I clicked on it.Needless to say I like it alot, nice work. I also like seeing great photos shot with the rebel as it shows that maybe one-day my newly purchased EOS 350d will capture something like this.

    Cheers and thanx for sharing.


    Chad. . . Newby.

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