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Image Comments posted by sobie



    Discovered these falls alongside a highway on a recent road trip and

    had to check them out. However, I forgot to bring my tripod, so I was

    limited to a 1/3 second exposure. Please, comment and critique. Thanks!



    On a recent camping trip, I was given three days of rain and clouds.

    Dampened by the dreary weather, I found it difficult to photograph the

    normally beautiful shoreline. This shot has the most detail in the

    clouds I had seen the entire trip. Let me know what you think. Thanks.



    Two exposures taken around ten o'clock P.M.; a five minute to capture as much light for the foreground and a 35 second for the sky. The orange glow is from Appleton's light pollution.

    Harboring Light


    Thanks Marc. You make a very valid point.

    I was looking through the EXIF info on this shot and noticed the white balance was set to "cloudy." This is where the warm tones may have come from. I always find myself unknowingly changing the settings of my camera with my nose whenever I hold the camera up to my eye.. heh. It wasn't until I started using an SLR that I realized I had a big nose!

    Summer Love


    My first photo shoot with a person as the subject. Let me know what

    you think.


    On a beautiful day in June, my friend Haley and I took a road trip to

    Lake Michigan for a day of sun, sand, and water. As much as it may

    look like she's enjoying the beach, in reality, she is being struck

    with bone-chilling waves and a beating-hot sun. Even with the

    unfavorable elements, she remained a good sport throughout the shoot.

    Harboring Light


    I was afraid that I had over-edited the sky. After some burning and saturation changes, it just seemed to fit the overall feel of the photo. I appreciate the critiques though, as I still have so much to learn as well.

    Harboring Light


    After taking a break from photography over the past year, I had

    forgotten how much I enjoyed and missed capturing nature on my camera.

    On a recent camping trip, I made the choice to venture down to a

    harbor and experiment with the evening sky. With my camera in hand

    once more, I ended up with one of my favorite shots to this date. Let

    me know what you think, thanks.

    Rough Waters

    Heh, I was able to use a fast shutter speed with the light reflecting from the water. The tricky part was getting the composition I wanted and the horizon some what level. Not to mention keeping my camera dry from the splashing waves. And from looking at this picture again, I just notice that I wasn't wearing my life jacket! I must have been too focused on the shot. I am glad you liked it.
  1. On a late fall camping trip, I decided to go exploring around the

    park. I came across some ruins, where limestone was brought from a

    quarry uphill to the kiln you can see towering in the background.

    Where I stood during this shot was on the waste limestone they

    deposited just below the ruins. Any comments or critiques are welcome.

    Thank you!

    Frog Pose


    This little guy was one out of hundreds of frogs that stayed in one

    spot long enough for me to catch a shot. Any comments or critiques are

    welcome. Thanks.

    Rough Waters


    Whenever I see a beautiful evening sky and attempt to get a few shots

    by paddling out in my kayak, the calm water soon turns on me, as in

    this shot. But even with the waves beginning to crash over my kayak, I

    stuck it out in hope for a good shot. Is this a good shot that I was

    hoping for? Let me know. Thanks.

    Wood Frog Habitat


    After spending more than an hour around a small pond searching for

    photograph possibilities, I came across this little guy. He was nice

    enough to hold still for a few shots before diving into the chilly

    spring water. Any critiques or comments are welcomed. Thanks.

    Salty Treat


    Although I was sitting very still while photographing tree swallows,

    the sun still drew small beads of sweat from my body. Not too long

    later, this little guy came buzzing near my head, soon picking a spot

    on my knee to suck me dry of the sweat. I swapped lenses and started

    shooting the little hoverfly since the swallows weren't giving me much

    to work with. Any comments or critiques are welcome. Thanks.

    Snake and Stone


    This little garter snake was sun bathing on the edge of a hundred foot

    cliff. To get this shot, I had to lean over the edge, which I was very

    careful of since I have no sense of place when looking through my

    camera. Thankfully, I did not fall off and I got this wonderful shot.

    Tell me what you think. Was it worth the risk? Heh.



    Soaring Silhouette


    As I was working with vultures circling overhead, a large shadow

    crossed my viewfinder. I quickly looked to see what it was to discover

    an eagle joining the spiraling raptors fly overhead. With the clouds

    partially covering the sun, it gave me a good opportunity to capture

    the two subjects together. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.

    Spider ?


    I don't know if you were curious if this was a spider or not, but it is actually not one. it is a harvestman. most people mistake them as spiders, along with believing the great myth of their deadly poison.


    nice macro by the way.

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