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Everything posted by madfra

  1. madfra


    I really love this shot, taken in a place I know very well... Great street shot, congrats!!
  2. Great mood and superb colors... Congrats!
  3. I've always been attracted and fascinated from the abandoned places, buildings, dismissed factories and so on... and sooner or later I'll be able to achieve a reportage in one or more of these places. But in the meantime I can only learn and appreciate the other one's shots.. and this is a great one! I'll add this in my personal favourites folder. Congrats!
  4. madfra

    IMG_0808 a-Edit

    Great image! There's nothing more to say... Congrats!
  5. madfra

    Moon of metropolis

    Everything in this photo is perfect... The light, the mood, the model's expression... Very good!!
  6. madfra

    Wall vents-web

    Great colors and a very nice capture! Congrats!
  7. madfra

    The Cobb (b&w)-web

    Great mood! The contrast of the cloudy sky is very good. Well done!
  8. madfra

    Gabriele ott-dic 2014-19 copia

    Thanx for your comments and critiques.
  9. madfra

    Gabriele ott-dic 2014-112 copia

    Thanx for your comments and critiques.
  10. madfra

    Gabriele ott-dic 2014-134 copia

    Thanx for your comments and critiques.
  11. madfra


    Questa è in assoluto una delle più belle foto che ho mai visto su questo sito... Non ho parole, meravigliosa...
  12. Reggia di Venaria... Ma chissà come mai quando ci capito io c'è sempre gente tra i piedi!! :-) Bellissima, complimenti...
  13. I agree... Really a good shot, I like very much the green and red lighs on the left... Well done!
  14. Well seen and well captured. I would have increased a little the saturation of the colors...
  15. madfra


    I like very much the blue/green tone of the glass, and the capture is very good...
  16. madfra

    House of Soul

    Probably this is my favourite pic of your whole portfolio. Great!!
  17. Surely in Detroit you have no problems to find subjects and scenes like this... Congrats!
  18. madfra

    Once a Home

    Even if I'm a great B&W lover, I prefer the color one. I'll add this shot in my personal folder of the favourites. Great capture!
  19. madfra

    Birthday Party

    I think that the scene is a little bit confused, there's not a main subject, but the story that this picture wants to tell is anyway clear. Good shot, I like it.
  20. I always loved old factories, abandoned buildings and things like that. My best friend who lives in Detroit always invite me to join him there and spend days and days taking pictures of this kind of subjects. He says that Detroit is the right place! I never been there, but I hope, sooner or later....... Anyway I love this folder, and this is just one of my favourite shot. Congrats!
  21. madfra

    Gabriele gennaio 2015-32 copia

    Thanx so much for your critiques.
  22. Thanx so much for your critiques.
  23. Thanx so much for your critiques.
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