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Everything posted by dave_smith24

  1. <p>Hi all,<br> I just purchased a used Metz 70 mz-5 in hopes of using it manually as an off-camera flash. According to the instructions, the M setting on the control unit should have a 'partial light' mode but I can't seem to find it. On the bottom right part of the screen where I think it <em>should</em> be, shows "rAP." I also noticed that the '1' in 105mm doesn't show up on the screen which leads me to believe the control unit is faulty. The flash fires but obviously I cant change the light output.<br> Can any users please confirm? I have an SCA 301 standard foot attached to the control unit if that makes any difference.<br> Thanks in advance!</p> <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/LoxazPO.jpg" alt="" /></p>
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