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Posts posted by joe_buechler

  1. I loved Chris' response above. It took this tired and repetitive old

    discussion in a new direction!




    I agree that the debate is heated because of some people's

    self-assured pontification about how film will soon die, and how

    digital image capture will follow the same trajectory that the music

    CD did. If this were true, it would have been all over long ago.




    But regarding digital's infinite possibilities, it's possible to

    compare this with music or verse, where it can be argued that LIMITING

    the possibilities by adhering to a specific metre or song form,

    can result in a higher artistic achievement than, say, blank verse or

    free-form jazz.





  2. 49 creeping up on 50.




    50 is the age at which Bilbo set off on his adventure, and also the

    age at which Frodo set off on his adventure.




    50 is the age at which the Harry (the Steppenwolf) intended to commit

    suicide, but found enlightenment instead.





  3. I looked at the Provence info, and I like the idea of working in an

    "event" so that there'd also be an opportunity to do some PJ-style

    photography. I doubt there'd be a bullfight ;) but I thought I saw

    something about a blues festival. Does any of the Alaska participants

    have access to a calender of this sort of stuff?




    Andy - I don't know if 80 to 120 people is even remotely feasible, but

    I've been on Midwest Express for business trips and it's definitely

    the "Leica of airlines." Even if we could arrange a semi-normal rate,

    it would be worth going out of the way for that IMO.

  4. Just to get an idea of airfare cost, I used Aug. 1 thru Aug.4 as

    travel dates. Price range for round trip airfare to Anchorage from a

    few cities in the lower 48 were:




    Baltimore $600 - $650

    Chicago $515 - $545

    LA $515 - $615




    Alaska Air consistently had the highest rates :)

  5. I'll let Tony suggest a venue, since he knows the area. I'd like the

    camping out idea also, hope we can get more information about this





    I'm going to do some airfare pricing from a few representative cities

    in the lower 48 to get an idea what cost would be like. I'll let you

    know what I find out.




    Definitely we'd take Tony's advice on the single malt.

  6. This idea was buried in a thread that was mostly about whining, so I decided to start a new topic and see if there's any interest.




    How many folks would be interested in getting together up in Anchorage Ak for a three-day weekend to shoot some photos and socialize? It would be an opportunity to meet Tony and each other, and photograph in a locale that has a lot to offer.




    I was thinking about us burning film during the day, and getting together in the evening for food, drinks, maybe exchange some images, and talk about Leica stuff.




    Just an idea to help break out of the winter doldrums. If enough folks are interested, maybe we could make it happen.





  7. Reciprocity failure aside, there's two tricks that I've used to meter

    in low light.




    One is to meter with a fixed long shutter speed, i.e. 1 sec for ASA

    100, 1/2 sec for ASA 50, and adjust the film speed dial until correct

    exposure is indicated. Then divide the dial setting by 100 to get the

    exposure time in sec. For example, Velvia, metered at 1/2 second,

    correct exposure indicated at ASA 800, so expose for 8 seconds.




    The opposite approach is to meter with the film speed dial set 6 stops

    too fast (e.g. ASA 6400 for ASA 100 film), adjust the shutter speed

    dial until correct exposure is indicated, then treat the fraction of a

    second indicated on the shutter speed dial as a fraction of a MINUTE

    instead - e.g. 1/4 second on shutter speed dial, expose for 1/4 minute

    or 16 seconds. This works because you're multiplying by 2^6 or 64, and

    then dividing by 60, which is approximately the same.





  8. For inspiration, I think that Tony should conduct a "Leica

    Non-workshop". Pick a weekend, think of a good place where we could

    all stay or camp near where you are in Alaska, spend the days burning

    film, and spend the evenings discussing Leica Photography and maybe

    sharing some images over a meal and some good wine.




    Waddya think?

  9. Digital cameras that are acceptable quality of the vast majority oh

    photographers - meaning the mass market family shapshooter - have been

    around for over a decade. Throughout that period, we've been hearing

    that film will be superceded by digital "in the next 2-3 years".




    If this was going to happen, why hasn't it? Digital cameras don't have

    any obvious advantages to the typical film consumer.




    There's a Yogi Berra-ism that applies: "I hate making predictions,

    especially about the future."

  10. It takes a bit of effort to properly critique a photo and identify

    constructive improvements that could be made. It isn't reasonable to

    expect that a group of people should all put that effort into a

    particular photo, just because you scanned it and posted it. If a

    photo doesn't move me in some way, or be close to good but have some

    areas for improvement that can be easily identified, I'm also likely

    to just say "It doesn't do anything for me."




    There's no such thing as a free lunch.





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