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Posts posted by zofia

  1. I say go for it. I like Anne's way. Add the logo if you want. I feel like you're the author of their

    book. The author of any other book has his name on the spine, cover and inside. One page

    on the back isn't very distracting or obscene in my opinion. Stickers come off and defeat the

    purpose. It's good advertising for you. Years down the road, if the couple can't remember

    your contact info and has a friend getting married, there it is, right in the album. Z

  2. I attended PPE in 2000 and wish I could go every year. I'd sign up for the Reggie seminar in a

    heartbeat. Even if he just shows some recent work, (which I'd doubt), I'm sure there'd be time

    to do Q&A after....? Bambi Cantrell's seminar in '00 concentrated a ton on her recent work,

    but even so, I still got a lot out of it. Let us know how it goes. Zofia.

  3. On top of getting a scam email at least once a month I also have had MULTIPLE phone calls

    last spring from a "Nigerian" man with a seriously thick accent saying, "You will take pictures,

    I will send you check, yes?" Seriously? The thing that gets me is someone IS falling for these

    ploys. Sad and pathetic really. They called so often and the number showed up as

    000-000-0000. Lovely. People are awful sometimes, huh? I changed my phone number....

  4. Hi Melissa. The color temperature/white balance looks different in nearly every shot. Maybe a

    little PS would help make them look more consistent. Also "PROOF" is only over one of the

    pics? Actually, I looked through some of your other portfolio shots and I wonder why you'd

    put "PROOF" over them when you're trying to show your work? You can barely see any image

    at all, especially in the flowers section. Maybe you could just upload them smaller, if you

    don't want anyone to copy them...? Just my thoughts. Z

  5. I use MySpace to keep track of my friends all across the country. I just posted a profile for my

    photography too. I think you need to be careful. You could be successful with it, like Sarah.

    You just need to make sure your crazy friends don't post inappropriate comments on your

    page, to make you look less professional. I've searched through the photographers on

    MySpace, and was surprised at all the very professional profiles. MySpace gets a bad rap on

    Tv, (there was a "MySpace rape" in my old hometown involving a kid I went to school with.

    Scary stuff, but like previously mentioned, many artists, musicians, and actors use the site to

    promote themselves. Why shouldn't we? Z

  6. Todd, I definitely don't mind linking other vendors sites to mine, but how do you know that

    they're referring you? Should you just offer to do so on goodwill? Or do you tell them that if

    the couple says you recommended them, that you'll link them? I'm all for taking free photos

    for other vendors too. Nothing wrong with that.

  7. I was also thinking of leaving a "calling card", not sure what it would be called in this

    situation. A 5x7 with a few different images, plus my info, plus the business cards.


    I'm not sure what you mean by "Even better, something worth keeping that might even be

    useful for them.", Maury. I'd love to hear some examples. Maybe my creativity is low today!

  8. Hi everyone! I live on Nantucket Island. I've only been shooting weddings by word of mouth so far. This is

    mainly because I've always had a full-time job and didn't want to get in over my head. I've also only lived

    here summers until this past year when we decided to stay year round for the long haul. We had a baby

    last year, so I didn't advertise heavily, so I could focus on her. I'm now ready to get going, head first, and

    sell sell sell for next year.


    The B&Gs here are some local, but also from all over New England, and many from Boston. I've searched

    "nantucket wedding photographer" to see where people are advertising their services online, and not much

    has popped up. Only a few of the photogs here advertise with The Knot or any other national wedding

    service registry. It's really mostly word of mouth here, plus local wedding planning magazines.


    Getting to my point... I think the best thing I could do is go to the hotels/florists/caterers/wedding

    planners on the island and hand out cards. I've never liked doing this because I feel like such a door to

    door salesman, er woman. I'm wondering if anyone has good advice on how to best do this. What time of

    the year is best? I'm sure they're all too busy right now with September being the busiest wedding month

    here. Many people get engaged around the holidays, so maybe Oct/Nov? What's a good way to approach a

    business? Obviously dress nice, etc... I just want something more to say than "Hi, here's my card, please.

    please, please refer me.". What's the incentive for a business to refer you? I suppose I could take some of

    their cards too so I could say, "I'll refer you, too."?


    Any suggestions on making this a more pleasant experience would be appreciated! Thanks! Z.;

  9. Sam, definitely post back and let us know what happens with the insurance. We could all

    use the heads up if it happens to one of us!


    Reminds me though... About 6 years ago, I was assisting on a wedding in Vermont... in the

    middle of nowhere. The photographer's car's gas tank basically fell apart on the way to the

    reception. The photographer starts sweating. Luckily he had a cell phone, which was still

    kind of a rarity up in those parts. Luckily, too, that he had cell phone reception up there!

    But of course the B&G don't have phones. They were actually barely 18, if I remember

    correctly. So, we try to call the old house where the reception is, no answer. Oh, he's really

    sweating now. We know we're going to miss the B&G's entrance at this point. The

    photographer's drenched in sweat at this point... so nervous that the B&G are going to kill

    us! Now, I need to add, there are no taxis within at least 20 miles of this location. Then,

    tah dah!, some nice person from the wedding drives by and picks us up! We hurry to the

    location... do our job... no one knows the difference... and we get a $200 tip! Phew!


    Moral of the story? Don't know if I really have one. Certainly it's something like "Keep your

    cool, things will work out in the end."

  10. I believe it's our job to make brides, and grooms for that matter, look as good as possible on

    their wedding day. The bride shouldn't look the same in shots from from their friend's P&S

    camera as with shots from your creative eye! I don't go nuts Photoshopping, but if the bride

    has spillage, or the groom has razor burn, I help them out a bit. Here's an example. It's

    subtle, I think....


    By the way, I'm considered underweight and I had the same problem in my wedding dress.

    Strapless dresses seem to do that to everyone, unless they really trust double sided tape! Z.<div>00HnZX-31955484.jpg.5560df813df4c0e29aa4208304d5647b.jpg</div>

  11. Here's what I do. If a bride's gown isn't super flattering, say under her arms creating weird

    underarm cleavage, I use the clone stamp in PS to fade it! Believe me, a bride will never

    complain that you're making her look better! Now tattoos are different because the bride did

    that to herself on purpose, silly bride.

  12. Erik, I scrolled through and tried to find a favorite. I don't have one, because they're all pretty

    great! I agree that #41 is not a flattering pose, and #17's light is a little harsh for my taste.

    Overall you did a great job, well done! Z

  13. Jennie, if there's little or no cost coming out of your own pocket, I say "Why not?."


    It gives you the opportunity to meet the wedding party and some family, making them bit

    more comfortable around you once it's time to shoot. It also allows you to meet with the JOP,

    minister, etc, who officiating the ceremony so that they can tell you their guidelines (where

    you're allowed to stand, flash, etc.). Plus, if you haven't yet scoped out the location, it's a

    great time to do so.


    I do it as often as I can. Z

  14. Absolutely Jalbum! I've read other posts here where Aaron Lee recommended it and I just

    used it for my own site this week! Aaron, if you're listening, thank you. It's super easy to

    get Jalbum onto your site in Dreamweaver, I know nothing about FrontPage.


    In DW I just saved the photos I wanted in my gallery on my site directory, as in Sites-

    Zofiaphoto-Gallery.... and then after I had the album made, I just opened the album in DW

    and fiddled with it. My way was super simple. There are many ways to integrate it into your

    site. Check out the jalbum forums for more help.

  15. Al, thanks for passing that image along. Waldemar, that's my dad's name! And Brad, I don't

    mind the long exposure if it's just a couple shots and only with the B/G, using a tripod.

    Thanks everyone for the examples too! I'll post some images after I find the filter that I want.


  16. Sorry, I didn't read everyone's responses. Personally, I don't think you should sweat it. In

    the future get a list from everyone you can, B/G, any parents you're in contact with, and

    get a list of the groups they want. That way your bases are covered.


    Your equipment and how much you spent on it, plus how little you charged them has

    nothing to do with it. You did a lot, you went above and beyond, but in the end the most

    important thing for the B/G is that they get the memories that they wanted on film (digital

    film, whatever).


    I always ask for a list, plus I always ask if they want table shots. I do them before people

    start eating. Usually during cocktail hour. If I miss someone because they got up from the

    table, then I make sure to get them with their group later. For the money you spent, you

    could also hire an assistant to cover those types of shots for you.


    I believe many photographers concentrate too much on the shots they think are

    important/artsy, etc, and miss out on the important candid moments of the friends and

    family. These events are like big family/class reunions. They should be treated as both an

    artistic event and a personal one.


    ...In my opinion... Z

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