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Image Comments posted by nathanaelb


    Very nice work there - I'm impressed, tho as I've never seen this "carillion" before I'd love to see some other shots of it which perhaps portray it's dimensions and surroundings somewhat more comprehensively. As for this image itself, I like it :-)

    Gerbera #3

    Well I like all your stuff ANYWAY .. but I can't say I'm too keen on this particular image. It's nice, but that drab grey background simultaneously brings out the colour in the flower, but also adds a bit of a depression to the mood of the image. Perhaps that's what you wanted - but personally I'm not keen on depressing images ... :-)


    It's a nice print, I like the contrast and all that .. but the photo itself is rather boring. The point of focus (two people + dog) are slap bang in the middle of the frame which kinda destroys it. The rest of the composition is rather boring also

    Roller Mill

    The building does look a bit odd .. but the power lines really do mess the picture up big time .. and the burnt in street lights also attract unwanted attention ..
  1. That's nice - I like the way the smoke is kind of a background instead of being like the main subject. Cuz of the nature of smoke it generally doesn't make a good main subject, but the twig and trees and so on help give the photo some defining lines and so on ... which seems to be the only way a B+W of fire/smoke could work .. :-)
  2. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but there seems to be something missing from the composition of this image. Of course - you may notice that the photo lab has over/under exposed the print, causing the graininess. Use slide film next time .. ;-)
  3. Good to see you finally got a nice clean uncluttered shot of the campus. The trees on the side help to frame it .. however, the colours are rather dull, the only factor really helping this picture is the graphic lines and shapes of the building .. and the symmetric reflection of it.


    Some alternatives to try and increase the asthetics of this scene would be to shoot at sunrise or sunset, and have the building illuminated by the warm glow of the low sun.


    Or, you could shoot at night, when the building is lit up with artificial lighting, windows, outside lamps etc

  4. ha ha - looks like this would make a good background photo for a christmas carol songbook :-)


    It's nice tho - the warm lighting, simple but effective right sided composition ...


    Nice use of differential focus there - really helps the sometimes hard composition of close up nature shots. Good lighting and exposure too - enuff to make it stand out and hilight the colours, but not harsh contrasty sunlight. Good job Brootje :-)


    Whoa that's incredible! Really nice how sharp it is ... not to mention motion stopping and the timing of the shot .. good job mate! Shame about the cluttered background tho .. does take away a little bit from the shot .. but not too much :-)



    Although, like your flower shot in another folder, you've used the off centre technique .. I think this composition is more effective because there isn't just blank space in the rest of the image.


    *looks closer*


    D4mn your scanner is bad! Sheesh get a new one soon! :-)

  5. Look, I don't want to comment on the ethics of you setting up a scene like this - although I hope you were just an innocent bystander of some erm protest?


    Anyhow, the exposure is really nice. No distracting elements. Just fire. And enough glow to pick out the couch and a bit of the ground .. do give it some context .. :-)

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