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Image Comments posted by pascalagneray

  1. I think it's my favorite too so far but there are better one I have not developped yet (I mean...messed with ,with photoshop) I can't wait to dig into it even if it's a bit of a fat thing to do (I have over 3000 pictures to go through...It's a bit insane).

    Jeff, Your comments are so nice. Thank you.

  2. Fantastic shot. I know that the wide angle with a close scene in the forefront, a semi slow exposure and a sunset is becoming a common recipe, but just like any good recipe...it always taste great.


    Neat, It look as though there is some eagle ghost burning the sky as some bright gaseous short circuit. If I can give you an advice though...I think the contrast is a little too strong and if you had been closer to the electrical post, it would have more emphasis and power. Otherwise, the idea is superb and the location of the white overburn perfect.
  3. Mc Cain has never ever used a computer in his life. You know the old ruler people used before the pocket calculator was invented...the rafter thingy...well I think of Mc Cain as its ancestor.



    This place reminds me of the metro in Paris when you are on Pont D'Aboukir or on sevres lecourbe.I know it's not the place because the River is not here and the buildings are lower rent looking than where I am thinking. Regardless, it's a very interesting shot. Intriguing perspective...subway entering a house...it's a bit Magrittesque. I have two pictures in my house...a subway station designed by Hector Guimard and a scuplture by the Eiffel tower...2 beautiful pictures from a stranger for whom I feel gratitude for the generous and free gifts. Thanks again Adan.
  4. This is one of your more compeling picture Jeff. It looks like a wild local about to spear a fish or pursuing your boat. (I am willingly off my computer at home since months now but I am sneaking a little peak from work)
  5. I understand what you mean John. I have other thoughts about this picture...After spending some time looking at all your street captures in black and white (you are a very very good photographer BTW). You often use a provocative background and wait for a live subject to create a story, a tension/contrasting or echoing the billboard/set up scenery and it works great. Here, There is a lot more going on in my opinion. One thing which is enjoyable are the gray tones (street sidewalk) making a very nice background for the other subject of interests. Reason I say that is that this picture has value not only by its emotional subject content but also with its composition. The ladie's back cut off might not be the most deliberate choice but actually it might contribute to the interest. See how dark her dress is and white her legs are, (her attractive shape does not hurt either) She is a person that strikes interest. She is like a large shape looming over the boy and shadowing him even as if he is protecting his eyes from the sun but you can tell it's benevolent...it is motherly (even if she is not the mother). This is one of the most admirable trait in humans, what makes us human instead of animals. Not something you can capture on film everyday. Her scarf is another adder, it's a very interesting scene. It's far form boring to look at and that's what picture should do...awake interest at mutiple levels...You fully succeeded here. Thanks for the long answer to my comment.
  6. This is a great picture accompanied by lots of interesting stories. Crossing from India to Sri Lanka was the first time I had to pay extra...it was explained to me as something very natural to do...I remember having to go get boats ticket behind the counter as a surreal experience.

    You can see a little bit of the woman's face but it's good. More face and maybe a slightly better framing might help but in these type of shot, you get what you get....It's not a set up.

    The Power of One

    I think I get what makes this picture a very special picture...sky motion and water motion...running the same pattern at different speed but in th exact same direction somehow...however it happens, there is a special relation ship between sky and water and motion has something to do with it...

    The Island Arch

    A solid sky as if painted...You amaze me Mr Yoong. I am a bit astonished at the comments from Piotr, so I visited his portfolio, he is not bad at all either. Me...I would never dare putting myself in the same category as yours so I do not have any problems but for the better ones such as Piotr...the cost of becoming very good can be pain when faced with the near perfection at which you pushed the level of the art of photography. You just smash the competition effortlessly and you have done so for a while now, ever since you started showing those pictures of hunting cormorans I believe. It was you, right? I do not see these pictures anymore. They were superior already.

    The Power of One

    You are a professional and it shows...stunning photograph ,totally constructed and planned as the work of a sharp shooter (as opposed to hip shooters like myself). Static versus motion, sharpness versus blurr, close versus far away, line(horizon) versus round, Dark sky and bright water; a reversal of the usual balance, so many contrasts and yet so little elements, all naturals. It's a candidate for eternal goodness of visual impact. Existence is ,because contrast is...nothing can be without a contrary to make it exist and your picture could be a perfect illustration of that fundamental principle because it captures so many different contrasts. It's a bit hypnotic. I love it.

    Milky way on the lake

    This is the milky way as seen from the earth like one would watch the moon. But watching the moon next to watching the milky way is like watching a drop of water on your elbow next to watching the sun. What a spectacular scene. I just wish I could see it with my own eyes with such clarity. I've never seen it so brightly lit and detailed from my own eyes.
  7. A majestuous tree next to a simple cabin and all enveloped in a blanket of snow. The subject is great but the composition need something more. House and tree are dead on center but on a slope, I would have shown a bit more of the left to give a dominant position to the house. If I may give you an advice, it would be to focus on composition, as if your field of view are the limit of a painting rather than the subject only. Thanks for visiting one of my picture and leaving a comment. I think this picture above is the best of your portfolio and I have a feeling you have the means to greatly improve because most your subjects are really good.

    Viking boat

    I visited your portfolio after you left a comment on one of my picture (180 degrees laptop turn). I am glad I did, your portfolio is enjoyable (unfortunatly, not all are). This picture above bears witness to the genius of a fierce and fearless race of some of our ancesters. You are Italian but I have normand ancestry and We probably all have some viking blood coursing through our veins wether we like it or not for these people were conquerors and shameless fornicators. I like your picture because this tremendous verticality reflect that male spirit of conquest even if I am totally straight and not inclined to like male references in stupid and too obvious references...this above has nothing to do with that...it's more like an eiffel tower or a spire, an arrowhead. What I really like is the information this picture carries about hull construction...very instructive for a boat maker (I am not).But those who are will be fascinated by the flawless and geniously hydrodynamic and yet stable shape, pretty original and wild this leather like stitching..It's eskimo style on a grand scale . My only criticism would be about the supports and chains...Imagine this shape floating in a misty atmosphere on some horizon-less lake or jutting out from between two giant waves, tilted a bit and with some teeth baring horned devil looking over the side?...Man that would be a picture now (or a painting). The hull details provide the raw material for that manipulation.
  8. Colours and subject are superior. The out of focus part is a bit too close to focus, it would be better either way off (blurred completly) or in focus, sharp. The lower outline of the snail and its antenna as well as the little tentacles are beautiful and very pleasant to look at. I think the blueish/greenish/reddish on top part of the body and its smooth texture is the strongest part of your picture.
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