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Image Comments posted by onlocation


    Hi Oskar & Beata, Good to hear from you again.Thank you for your comments. ....The advantage with this type of shot is that I get to drink the subject!- Regards to you both.


    Thank You for your comment Markus...........I never really thought about trying a loose crop -Its a good point-I was trying mainly to ensure warm colours and atmosphere.



    I love the athmosphere this image evokes. I think the composition is very strong. The sky dramatic.The figure lonely.I've taken the liberty of just moving one or two highlights which can be a little distracting and applying a slight crop and a little sharpening completing it with a border. I did this out of curiousity and to let you see how i would be tempted to treat it. Either way its a fine image.


    Car Bar 02

    Joseph-Thank You for taking the time to comment re the bars.Its pleasing to hear that someone else likes this image.I have always seen it in my minds eye that it would be best displayed as a very large image sort of full wall size (real life size) I was trying to achieve an image that was almost abstract with impact.


    I agree with William..I like this image for a variety of reasons too. The no smoking sign behind her. Her purposeful stride, her practical choice of fashion and colour and the composition of the whole which tells the story.Nice work.

    Seasons colour

    Milena..Thank you for your comment...... There is a subtle light from top left shining only on the trees in the background which is what prompted me to take this image.Having seen your beatifull portfolio.... it is especially pleasing to know that you liked this.


    Well captured..I too like the composition ..the placement in the frame.but (I would have prefferred a little more space left of the left handlebar and not so bright background) The cyclists stance is great but for me most of all is the little flower below the seat .........Nice work
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