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jeff mein smith

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Posts posted by jeff mein smith

  1. Different horses... My EOS 1V with an 85 1.2L Mk2 on the front delivers beautiful skin tones and a 'life' to shots (Kodak Pro 100) that I feel isn't matched by digital, which still looks rather flat. However, if I were to print huge prints, or simply practise with no printing costs, I'd use a 5D (not the 8 mp 1D Mk2).
  2. I've just returned from India where I used my 135L and 1.4x extender carried in a Crumpler 5 Million Dollar Home (EOS 1V minus PBE2)and it was perfect for street shots/portraits. For the larger lenses I use a Crumpler backpack, which holds camera gear, water, coat etc, and the zip-against-your-back provides good protection against light-fingered locals. Could you carry your other stuff in a small bag to be left in hotel rooms?
  3. Steve, I've had two of these lenses in the last year: the first was quite soft (no better than my old 24-85)at 2.8, and I was offended at comments about user error. If you know you weren't doing anything silly, get Canon to check it. My second copy seems much better.
  4. In defence of the 1VHS, it's got very fast auto-focus and shutter response, is sand and salt-spray resistant and built like the proverbial outhouse. Also becoming cheaper by the day!

    I agree, though,I'd love to be able to see my shots before paying for the printing!

  5. The 35 1.4L I own is noticeably sharper at 2.8 (no comparison at f2!) than my 24-70, but I can't see a difference at 5.6 or 8, where you'd probably operate. The convenience of being able to zoom/recompose from a fixed spot (often I can't move e.g. weddings) outweighs any slight sharpness advantage. The prime is delightfully light, of course. I use my 85 1.2 wide open, but not the 35. (EOS 1V body)
  6. I've got the same problem as you, James. EOS 1V and a Nikon V ED scanner are significantly cheaper for me than even going to a 5D; it annoys me that the 1DS Mk2 is five times as expensive as the 1V, if I want to keep the same layout and build quality on a camera.
  7. The 1.2 (Mk2) is a glorious beast and gives artistic control (although it has to be done very carefully) not possible at smaller apertures. It has to be experienced to be believed. I find the focus speed perfectly acceptable for portraits and weddings.(Used on EOS 1V HS)
  8. The L series are really tough (should be P for pro, rather than L for luxury). Ten years ago I dropped my 70-200 2 metres on to a carpetted floor, and it still works beautifully/flawlessly.

    I use a Pelican case for really tough or dirty jobs, and a Crumpler backpack when mobility is important (hot, but comfortable even with a heavy load). For light weight, I take my 1V (minus booster) and 35 1.4L or 135 2L.

  9. I have the glorious 135L, but want to hear from anyone who owns the 85 1.2 Mk2

    as well, if I would gain anything by buying the 85. I shoot weddings in poorly

    lit churches (1/30-1/60 sec hand-held), so the 85 would obviously work in

    those conditions, but I'm put off by its poor minimum-focus distance, as I

    love to do headshots too. Anyone help?

  10. On 'bulb', my 1VHS shutter won't stay open if the back is open

    (purely to check for dust and hairs), even though the shutter is

    still being depressed, but on another identical body, it does stay

    open. Is there a problem (with either one)?

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