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Posts posted by eric_lawson1

  1. The problem with export for me is it is not very convenient for the way I work. I save all my JPG's in the same folder as the RAW's and in Lightroom there is no automatic "save to current folder" option (at least that I can find). Every time I am working on a folder of images and want to save off JPG's I have to select the folder I am in from the export dialog box to do it. Half the time they end up in the wrong folder with me trying to figure out where I saved them to, very frustrating!
  2. You wont gain a thing with the Tamron. F2.8 is a joke on that lens. You cant reliably "or sharply" use it below F4.0 so there is NO point. I have one and its fine above F4.0 but even then my 24-105 is really much better. Even better yet is my 85 F1.8 & 50 F1.4 "fron F2.0 on" for portrait work. I use a 30D so the 50mm sees more action due to the crop factor. On a 5D I would probably use the 85 more.
  3. Anybody else noticed the new 100% view in the quick check tool does not seem to work? I loaded this version of DPP on two machines (one Vista & one XP) and both only allow you to magnify to 50% like it has always been. I was really looking forward to this feature only to apparently be let down.
  4. Lets hope for six as twelve would be just ridiculous on Canons part. It's getting pretty long in the tooth and its showing that now more because of the new offerings with new features from Canon. A lot of people are waiting for the MkII so if Canon wants that $3,000.00 they are going to have to get it done.
  5. You are a little stuck with that one. The only real answer is to do the best you can and then shoot in raw so you can correct the white balance after the fact for the shots that were affected by the changing lighting conditions.
  6. "This lens is the most commonly one mentioned for focus problems on every Canon camera, and especially the 20D"


    BS it's user error and so are you at that point. Get your D3 and find the forum for that.

  7. Probably best to get the 430. If you really learn how to use it an external flash can really open up new possibilities. Look into a Demb flash bounce "Jumbo" and you wont believe what a difference it makes. Of course if you have lowish white ceilings you wont need an accessory like the Demb but in all other situations you will in order to bounce. I don't believe the 220 will allow you to bounce and that is really necessary in MANY situations.<div>00MSOq-38337584.jpg.2ab3faf7e7c80f469e20c6986c0ce49e.jpg</div>
  8. Great responses, I do get it now. I took the comments to mean the whole line up. I do understand the difference between the lower end bodies. I always liked the build quality of my 30D and friends 5D much better than my old XT. By the way, I wasn't meaning to make a point for Canon vs Nikon or slamming the latter, Just didn't understand the comments seen around. I have a friend with a Nikon and he loves that system. And yes the weirdness is just me not knowing those bodies and being so used to my Canons for sure.
  9. I don't get it! I played with three Nikon's in a store today and they don't

    appear any better made than my 30D. I have heard all to many times "mostly here

    and other forums" how the Nikon's have a much better build quality and screen. I

    will admit the screen looks better than the three Canon DSLR's I have owned but

    the body construction is the same thing only different. No better & no worse,

    just different "and weird to a Canon only guy". Is there some basis in truth to

    what I have heard that I am too dense to see or feel in person? The Nikon's were

    a D40x, a D80, and I think a D200.

  10. I had a Rebel XT and had problems with the AF but mostly in lower light situations. When I got my 30D ALL those problems disappeared. The 30D and now my wifes XTI are much better at AF than the old XT ever was but I think the system is the same between the two newer ones anyway.
  11. Louis, you may be a person who just really likes to know every part, function, idiosyncrasy of your equipment. I am like that to the point of being ridiculous but I would like to someday be able to photograph anything that comes along. What I mean is photograph it well. I have a 30D and after a year think I only know it halfway but I know others who don't know there camera half of that and think they are pro's. Thanks for the question, it was new and fresh after a million "what lens" posts.
  12. I looked at the exif because I just couldn't believe it wasn't an error. Sure enough 3200! Absolutely unbelievable. I want to move to full frame when the 5D gets updated but was very concerned because all the rumors indicate it will have a 16mp sensor. I was concerned about it loosing the high iso status it has but it might be alright after all if it indeed gets the bump to 16mp if it follows this trend. I wonder if it is the Digic III doing this. I have an SD-850 with the Digic III chip and it is the best little point & shoot I have ever seen. haven't used the Canon G series though.
  13. I looked at your images, awesome work! I think with that level of images the gear is NOT the most important thing but you deserve to give yourself the best you can get. The 24-105 is my favorite lens. Thats saying a lot since I had problems with it at first "three trips to Canon". Once they found the alignment issue with it the thing has been perfect from F4.0 on. The 50 1.4 is another one of my favorites but as someone here pointed out, if you have application for it.
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