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Image Comments posted by _barb_


    overprocessed and artificial looking. you crammed every available colour into this shot and they are all fighting for attention. horizon seems slanted.

    "All dried up"


    this is a wonderful shot, it looks gorgeous in the large size. the colours are really beautiful, particularly the tones of the fence and the golden highlights. lots of lovely details to explore. the framing is just right with the extra space to the right to keep it from dead-centering.

    great job!!



    a nice abstract, the colourisation worked well.

    I strongly dislike the signature and frame, the frame in particular is much too heavy and overpowers the image.


    strong composition but where do those halos around the figures come from? the image has a lot of digital noise, is that intentional?

    Grindon Rigg


    nice shot, I love how the tree is nestled in the dip.

    not too sure about the murky toning, it might look better as a black and white.

    the tonal range is a bit limited, I think I'd try to bring out the whites and bright parts a bit more by upping the contrast.


    such a wonderful image, the mood and subtle tones are just lovely. great how the simple framework is livened up by the unexpected shapes of the branches. good framing too with the empty space to the left.
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