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Image Comments posted by Jim_Tardio

  1. I like the photo for all the reasons listed above...but what I find amazing about this shot is that it was taken in 1975.

    Maybe this should be a topic for another thread but one of the main enjoyments of the internet has been to see shots like this...that most likely would have been filed away in a shoebox in the attic had the web not come along.

    It gives us all a chance to see beyond what the established media wants us to see. In the past, all we had access to was what the major magazines decided was good enough for us to see.

    How many more treasures await us that are currently buried in closets or garages?

    What an age we live in.

  2. I love the look of Kodachrome and you use it perfectly. What it has over the current E6 films is that beautiful vivid color palette, but tempered with a good rendering of pastels. What a shame Kodak let this film...and particularly it's processing...fall by the wayside.

    Please post more.

    Blue RED

    I'm not implying that this shot received no enhancement by either film choice or manipulation in the scanning process, but those of you who claim that colors like this are not "real" need to get out more.
  3. I like the way you've captured the light on the long pipe. With the red ball at the end, it reminds me of a thermometer.


    I think it has too much sky, however. The very dark spot in the upper right doesn't fit. I'd crop about a third of the sky out.



  4. It's a fine shot for what you had to work with. No doubt that view cameras, split-neurtral density filters, etc...could have been used to improve the shot.

    But for a cheap point and shoot you did the right thing. You put it on your tripod and got the shot before you lost the light. At least you didn't just whip the camera out of your pocket and fire away, flash and all.

    Much travel and vacation photography is unfortunately done in a hurry....usually other folks are waiting, or a schedule has to be kept. Speaking as a travel photographer, there's never enough time.

    It's a good effort and a good enough shot, IMO.

    Photo Gallery: www.jimtardio.com

  5. I like the composition and the fact that her hand is hiding her expression. It just adds to the mystery of the shot.


    I don't like Astia film, however. The more I see it, the more it looks muddy and yellow...to me. Of course this has nothing to do with your great shot...just my own personal bias.

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