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monika roemer

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Image Comments posted by monika roemer


    Hi Biblab, thanks a lot for your comment. I'm not sure that I got your point, but I'll try to explain my intention. I "played" with ps to get from a "classic shot" something new. And indeed, as IceRock said, I was trying to create a certain mood. I didn't want a one to one photo. The Concorde is a building I see every day and I tried to surprise myself with a "new view and mood". Thanks again for taking time and commenting. regards, mo
  1. first of all I'm really sorry- Ididn't meant to offend you. I'm a beginner, too and I know from my own experience that finding photos which are important to me being rated harsh hurts. How you rate a photo is often a question of taste.

    Why I leave my name? I think everyone who rates, especially when you rate lower than 4 should do so. Photos I don't like usually I don't rate. With your pic it was different. I think you have found an interesting motive but I think, and yes this is personal taste, you could have improved the photo a lot with a different angle and better light. Peace, Mo

    Some in, some out

    what a nice surprise! If I remember well, this is a detail of the Moscow Hotel in Belgrade. A wonderful building! I've been there - only one night - during a reportage in 2001. All the best. Monika
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