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Image Comments posted by michael_lavigne

  1. Beautiful tones! A truly strong image, which allows the eye to continually wander without tiring of it. As the others mentioned, you can really see the great character of this man, even in sleep it somehow comes across.


    Fantastic shot! There are soooooooo many portraits to be seen, and many good ones. But this is refreshing--the nice movement of the eye created by effective use of negative space and the unusual posing make for a great image!

    Big Wheel

    Brent, nice shot. Although it feels a bit crooked to me, which may be a problem for something so geometrically dramatic (wow, I sound smart, don't I?). With the large, er-huge wheel being the dominant shape, and then the strong diagonals of the support beams, I'd just like to see it skewed a bit more, so the left side doesn't seem to be twisting away from the viewer. But I love the shot--the color is great, the perspective is nice. A good summertime image to lose yourself in for a while.


    Here's a thought--looks like he forgot to bring his matching helmet! Seriously though, great shot--interesting that the rider and bike are on a vertical axis but the overall composition still has great movement. Well done.

    VI - Moscow

    To be honest, I think it's overexposed and it's obviously out of focus. By their facial expressions, it almost looks like you were walking by and just took a quick snapshot.
  2. I'm a bit against the grain as well, but not to the extent that Allan is; I think she's very nice looking, and the wheat field is very interesting to me... but a topless blonde wandering through a wheat field? It seems a bit cheesy to me; I think I'd like it better if she lost the jeans--even though that touch of color is nice, it would actually make it a bit more... realistic? Not that I've ever seen a nude blonde walking in a field, but maybe you get my meaning. I like many of your other nudes better than this one.
  3. Darius is right (just like Todd was in the first place); this image isn't worth all the back and forth. That being said, and having read most of it thus far, Alexis-- you said "all I did was ask Todd if this image aroused him". That's simply not true at all. Todd made a simple statement that this image looked like porn, that's the extent of it. Then, despite what you claim to have done, what you actually did was define porn for Todd (in a very condescending manner), then add "Maybe I just have a stronger control over my urges than to get worked up sexually over this kind of shot". Your very first comment was an attack on Todd, and they just got more ridiculous from there. Alexis, grow up. Todd, you should join Darius and I as we move on to much better images.
  4. Nice to see the Ren Cen on here! With something as symmetrical as this, however, I think it must be centered--the image feels very off balance. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing a more interesting sky--either vibrant blue or else a sunrise/sunset.

    the final view

    Cool concept! I like it, it's original. The composition is pretty good--I would like a little more blue sky, perhaps do a bunch of shots as the clouds move around?
  5. Alexy, very well done. I disagree with Koos--I think the fact that she's half-dressed, and has her pants undone, combined with her expression are great. It's as if she's just too worn out, or perhaps too discouraged to carry on with changing clothes. The colors and composition work great--I really like this image; unlike so many I see, the nudity isn't simply gratuitous, it works!
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