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Image Comments posted by sladez

    Safe Harbour


    This portrait is absolutely stunning! The composition, tones, lighting and mood all work together to make is successful.


    Exceptionally well done.

  1. Thank you everyone for your comments.


    Claude--I'm glad you noticed that as it has been a bit of a compositional dilema for me. There were actually 2 more sections of glass--not as interesting--that continued to the right. Unfortunately the building was partially collapsed and the panes began to sag just beyond this point creating some "not-so-sqare" window panes. I cropped it in camera at what felt comfortable but have contemplating as to whether I should make the same crop on the left side..? I did this at first but lose some interesting detail on the left side in the bottom two windows--cuts off all of light glass in the middle one leaving just an empty hole and leaves an uncomfortable small amount of the broken piece in the bottom window. Suggestions?

  2. I think your b+w conversion is spot on. Wonderful image with a very strong composition. I love the constrast in the sky but feel maybe the forground has a bit much--if you dropped the contrast just a tad and lightened it I think the image would have a better sense of light as well as accentuate the sky/clouds even more without competing against it--just a thought.


    Nice job and keep them coming.

  3. Thank you Biplab and Joebaca--very much appreciate your comments. This was taken on the southern side of Mt. Rainier--midway into Washington State between Seattle and Spokane. Not far off the road. Mt. Rainier is a very large volcanic mountain--unfortunately the entire week I was there I only saw the top of the mountain for about 3 minutes on the last day:)

    Branch Detail


    I hate to say but this is a case of extreme "roadkill". My buddy had to flag cars so they

    wouldn't hit my back end while capturing this image:)


    Comments and suggestions welcome.

    web & life

    Wonderful image! Very sharp from front to rear--almost a view camera like. Out of curiosity--are you using the two-focus method and then combining in photoshop to obtain this amount of DOF?



    Wonderful composition and tones. Great image. My only critique would be to watch the edge of your frame--lines and or elements that just touch the edges can be distracting. Hard not to do with this type of image but the right hand side would have been stronger if you either cut more off or let the dark tone run from top to bottom.

    Nice work--keep them coming.



    Excellent image! Perfect lighting, mood, and composition. A bit more room at the bottom would have been nice so give some separation between the frame edge and the bottom group of sticks.


    Very nice.

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