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an josef

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Posts posted by an josef

  1. <p>Michael H. Reichmann described his success rate in much the same way. </strong></p>

    <p>Every five years he prints a book and has an art show of which only 30 or so images make the final cut. He is always shooting and estimates that in this five year period he will shoot roughly 10000 still life images. </strong><br>

    <br /> His success rate is 0.003%. </strong><br>

    <br /> I can only hope for such outstanding numbers!!!! </strong><br>

    <strong> </strong> <br /> I think I am leveling out at around 0.0002 possibly even lower (I have 4 photos I think are !!!)......but, it is helpful to remember some photographer whom we greatly admire and to consider their success ratio. It really helps put own work into perspective.<br /> </strong><br>

    <strong><br /> </strong></p>

  2. <p>Lots of valueable copyright talk going on here but regardless of intellectual laws etc etc, "Intended use" vs "Actual use" should be viewed as the same thing.<br>

    As a producer of art, images, music, or otherwise, we have to know that if we are using the internet, then the likelihood of someone downloading it is inherent.<br>

    Music, programs, movies, photos......Nothing is secure.<br>

    We should understand and accept this whether it is right or wrong because this is just the way things are.<br>

    Not saying that we should passively roll over on this issue. We just really need to understand the way things work online, and take the necessary measures to control the quality level (use low res ONLY), and prevent the sampling of images (flash protected).<br>

    These are things we <strong>can</strong> do.<br>

    Not protecting yourself leads to endless amounts of copyright talk, and negative feelings of infringement.</p>


    <p> </p>

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