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Everything posted by george_vallee

  1. <p>A Linhof Technikardan 45S perhaps? They fold up ingeniously offering the compactness of a field camera with the rigidity of a monorail camera. Clean, used examples can be found for resale on various photo forums and the auction sites regularly for relatively modest prices. Terrific camera with impeccable build quality in my opinion . . .<br> http://linhof.com/en/technikardan-4x5/</p>
  2. <p>Ben, take a look at the following link:<br> http://www.largeformatphotography.info/lenses/LF8x10in.html<br> While the link is dated in terms of street price, I would venture a guess and say that they're probably worth substantially more than 150 dollars starting price. As has already been mentioned, they are a pair of niche lenses, but they're still in demand for the right audience. I have an 8x10 camera and can say with certainty there is still a market for analog equipment, especially in the larger formats. My point is that I wouldn't "give" the lenses away, especially if they're clean examples. Patience is the name of the game for this type of equipment . . . </p>
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