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Posts posted by wing_gee

  1. Like alot of people here, when their friends get married, they ask you to be

    the photographer. Well my friend just asked me to do their wedding in June. I

    haven't accepted it. I've never done a wedding before, and i know it is

    logistically crazy. I would consider myself a amateur at best.


    For equipment I just got a D80 after my F5 got stolen, I can rent lenses and

    strobes if needed. But I've never used an external strobe before.


    I think my main concern is positioning and gathering people. Shooting indoor

    without a flash has always been an issue with me even with a fast lens

    (F/2.8). I know a flash is a must indoors, but with no ceilings to bounce off

    of, it's hard. I'm still uncertain on how to use diffusers and modifers with a



    Suggestions? walk away? It would definitely be good experience though and I

    have plenty of time to plan it out. He mentioned that it would be a medium

    sized event (~50-100 people) still I know the saying that it doesn't matter if

    it's a small or large event.


    Tips would be appreciated.



  2. Thanks. it's good to know it's working good.


    Yeah, i have a darkroom but i didn't process it in the darkroom. The processor was just sitting on top of the laundry machine, cause it had a hot water line with the right fitting. :)


    I should have took a can of air to the scanner and negs before i scanned it. That's one bad thing about scanning. Always prone to dust.

  3. So i got my first roll of c41 done. I Just bs'ed the tempered water

    just to get my first roll in. <br><br>






    These were shot on a fuji 645 range finder. All scans were on a

    epson 3170 uncorrected. I really have no reference, so i have no

    idea if it's suppose to look the way it does. But they look pretty





  4. Thanks Dan!<br><br>


    So according to the cis-49 article. Can we double check my math to make 1 gallon with a 3.5G kit? <br><br>


    The table shows amount to make 1L of chemistry with a 3.5 Gallon kit. Starting water is 750ML, Part A is 73.6, Part B is 8.67ML, and Part C is 8.91ML.<br><br>


    We need 1 Gallon so we multiply everything by 3.785L<br><br>


    Starting water: 3.785L x 750ML = 2837.75ML = 2.84L<br>

    Part A: 73.6ML x 3.785L = 278.576ML = 279ML<br>

    Part B: 8.67ML x 3.785L = 32.81ML = 33ML<br>

    Part C: 8.91ML x 3.785L = 33.72ML = 34ML<br><br>


    So we have:<br>

    Starting Water: 2.84L<br>

    Part A: 279ML<br>

    Part B: 33ML<br>

    Part C: 34ML<br>

    Add enough water to make 1 gallon.<br><br>


    That seems like it's going to be difficult measure 33ML and 34ML.<br><br>


    Does this look correct?




  5. I shot a roll of 120 in a cheapy fuji rangefinder over the weekend.


    I'm getting ready to do my first roll on the processor tommorow. I

    stopped by my local camera place and picked up a 3.5g developer kit,

    1gallon bleach, fixer mix. They didn't have any replenisher for the

    developer and bleach in stock.


    My question is how hard would it be to mix a gallon worth of

    chemistry? or should I mix all 3.5g and fill it using 1 gallon jugs.

    replenishing with the mixed chemistry?


    Since I don't have any replenisher for the bleach and developer, I'm

    just trying to find a way of using these chemicals economically. I

    guess worse case scenario is one shot it all, but it seems like a



    suggestions or thoughts?




  6. I'm sure this has been answered and i couldn't seem to bring

    anything up while searching.


    Like B&W film, do you need to use different developing times for

    different film speeds when you process color negatives with c41?


    According to jobo seems like 3:15 minutes is all that is programmed

    into the ATL1000 for standard c41 processing.


    basically 3:15 minutes will cover all color film negatives

    regardless of ISO ratings? unless your pushing or pulling?




  7. Trying to get an idea of what replisher is used for and what it

    does. I'm new to c-41 and haven't processed any yet. I have an atl2

    that's down.


    I'm looking at chemicals for c-41 and I see developer starter, then

    replenisher part a and part b. what do they all mean? what exactly

    do i need to just get a fresh mix of developer?


    from reading briefly, as for as i can tell replenisher just makes

    older chemicals become new again?


    I will be getting an ATL-1000 while i work on my ATL2. I believe the

    atl-1000 doesn't reclaim chemicals. so it's all one shot.


    I guess i'm just trying to get an idea of c-41 workflow.




  8. Thanks alot for all your responses. From what i have read from here and other boards, it seems nearly impossible to get ecn2 developer in small quantites. I guess i'll try the two local motion picture labs here.


    I read on another board that if you use mix in a drop of sulfuric acid in the stop bath, it will remove most of the carbon backing.




  9. I'm looking for a source on where to get ECN-2 developer and I

    believe that CD3 is equivalent to ECN2. Trying to see if anyone has

    any idea or leads.


    I want to process my own motion picture 35mm stills. I have a Jobo

    ATL machine that i want to use for it. I understand that the Rem-Jet

    layer needs to be removed, I'm still uncertain whether or not it

    will clog the machine. since the jobo just drains it into the sink.

    Any help is appreciated




  10. Dan, Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a shot. the power switch is very flimsy and looked abused. i have to replace a missing fuse, since the cap for it is gone.


    how about the water lines? how does it rinse? where is the water coming from? where does the water line run to on the distributor? to and from the coil?


    As for the distributor, does it matter which chemical bottle it's coming from? i looked down the holes and in the center top one, there is a little ring inside looks like it's an isolated sensor. i'm not sure which that runs to.


    I remember reading you had an atl3 for sale? if i can't get this to work. I may be interested.




  11. I purchased a ATL 2 a few months back, and i still haven't gotten it

    running yet. all the chemical hoses were cracked. So i took all the

    hoses off. That was like a month ago. Now i can't remember where any

    of the hoses go. cold/hot water line. input and output of the coil.

    Not even sure if the orientation of the chemical hoses matter as it

    all collects at one spot. though there are sensors (needles) in

    there. I'm not sure where anything goes. even once i get the hoses

    on. I'm not even sure if the unit works. it's pretty beat up.


    I really do need help now, feels like i bought a huge plastic paper





  12. yeah i got the atl, so far it's been a pile of sh*t. all the hoses are kinked/leaks/brittle. I haven't even gotten a chance to power it on to see if it powers on. Everything is covered in chemicals /gunk, there are broken plastic pieces which I have no idea where they goto yet. I have disassebled the head to try and replace the hoses. while I was removing the pins that holds the hoses in, a green wire broke off and i'm not sure if there is anything else that's suppose to connect to it. Hopefully i can get it up by the end of the week.

    have you replaced the hoses before? the ends are different sizes. The hoses that connect to the bottles are bigger than where they connect to on the head. I'm sure i'll have more questions as I attempt to fix/clean this.




  13. sorry i'm being pretty dense here and need a quick crash course on the process of c-41. What do you mean by replenish. Meaning clear the chemistry that's in the tank in the processor? Here's my thought process on the chemistry. I have done BW but color seems to have a different process and different meanings.


    Unmixed chemistry bottles (developer, bleach, stabilizer)


    you mix your desired amount of chemistry. the developer,bleach and stablizer. is stabilizer the same as fixer?


    you fill the tanks on the processor, 3 chemicals? developer, bleach and stabilizer?


    do you usually leave the chemistry in the tanks in the processor when done?


    I'm trying to get a sense of the workflow,process, and how to preserve the chemistry.


    Sorry for sounding so dumb.




  14. that's a bummer. The reply i made didn't go through. I guess a recap of what i wrote.


    Yeah I got a good deal on it, pretty stoked.


    I eventually will like to do large format. I use an F5 and on occasion my mamiya 645. So i'll keep an eye out for the expert drum. *searches for a 4x5 camera*


    Once I get the stuff I'll check the filter on the dryer, but most likely it's gonna have to be replaced.


    As for the chemistry, Is it true that if i buy a large amount, and not mix it, the shelf life is prolonged? Basically just mixing them as i need it for the week or month? Just trying to get an idea on the shelf life of un mixed chemistry.


    I just want to thank you very much for the tips and alternative ways of using the stuff. You have definitely help reduce the learning curve. I'm basically just an advanced beginner, still learning the craft. I never went to any schooling for photography at all, so i'm lacking the theory and some background. I'm still searching for my style. But I love photography. I still don't like the look of digital yet. Film just has that "feel" that I like.


    Please keep the tips coming. I really appreciate it.




  15. Yes i do live in seattle, we have glazers camera that sell kodak chemicals. I'm not entirely sure how much volume i'm really going to do yet. but if buy those chemicals and just mix as i need it, that'll be fine. but i don't want to buy the chemicals if once i open the lid or bottle, the time is ticking on them.


    I was curious as to why i wouldn't just use tetenal powder.


    also curious about the stablizer/fixer process. isn't that all automated in the atl2? why is it bad to use the machine to do everything?


    the auction number/link is




    Thanks Dan your a wealth of information



  16. I have pushed color film with success. I was at a concert and was <br>loaded with fuji press 400 and superia 200 everything pushed 2 <br>stops. I was really concerned whether or not anything would turn <br>out or it being too dark. but i got alot of usable images.<br><br>


    everything from page 2 and on were pushed 2 stops.<br><br>


    <a href="http://turborocco.com/empsoundoff/Wing/index_2.htm">http://turborocco.com/empsoundoff/Wing/index_2.htm



    some shots are pretty grainy, but that was expected because of it being pushed.


    I'm not a pro by any means. Just an advanced beginner. :)




  17. I just picked up the jobo atl2 that was on ebay. This is my first

    experience with color processing. I was wondering what chemicals i

    need to do c-41. I know the shelf life is very short on the

    chemicals. I heard of powders being used for developers. What can

    and can't be re-used? I've always processed my own BW but now i can

    automate it and have more predictable results. Where do i get

    started? :)




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