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Image Comments posted by markbalcom

  1. An interesting thing is all the non-parallel planes made by snow covered roof tops. In addition there is plenty of detail in the foreground: wall, wood, fencing, snow, but focus is softened by the weather conditions as I look in the background until detail disappears in a grey, textured sky. All the lines and planes really make my eyes dance all over this fun and artistic shot.

    Old Truck


    I like this image for its use of close complementary colors: warm earth tones to yellows, and cooler greens. The closeness in light spectra of yellow and green lets things pop and blend well simultaneously, I think: A neat trick.

    Tall Pines


    I returned to the original capture (dng format) to increase contrast

    and clarity, and reduce the vignette for more delicate cloud features

    to show. Comments are welcome.

  2. It is truly a lovely photo. I like the very selective focus and how each of the carnations becomes more blurry as I look deeper behind the front one, and the background just a touch of variation in tone and texture. You've made a great image with just a few ingredients.

    Night with stars


    Very nice night photo--Plenty of detail and texture. The six mostly silhouetted people in the lower right quarter of the frame seem to walk out of shadows into the brightly lit street. As an element of composition,  I think they echo the shooting star with the tail being the street scene that wraps above and beside them.



    There are regular geometric shapes and symmetry here in the two buildings, in the three windows beneath the roof, in the windows on either side of an entryway of the rear building, but the regularity is broken by the dark entry with no side windows at one corner, as well as the more chaotic patterns of the shadows of trees and feathery clouds above; and this creates an interesting tension. I appreciate the amount of detail that remains in the brightly illuminated white wall in the foreground.



    I find the shapes and textures of this image tremendously interesting; and I like the detail and texture in the shadowy parts of the tree trunks. It definitely made me stop and look. The only thing I might do differently, would be to crop a little so the main subject body of the image, the two trunks, are not as centered in the frame. Cropping some off the left and bottom might do it for me. What do you think?

  3. I think I would have struggled against making a "blocky" composition. The angular elements in your image are aligned in a way that my eye sweeps across them to notice the sun and landscape beyond them while still seeing the shapes and rich texture of the interior of this ruined building. I think this image is quite well made.



    The shadowed structures and street with an intruding wedge of light create an incredible frame for the pedestrian in silhouette. Without the human presence, the hard geometric composition wouldn't be half as interesting. Nice work.

    Rays at night


    Nicely framed with the rays crossing diagonally, and of different sizes and at different depths for a pleasing textural effect. The blackness of the background and warm tonality and low illumination of the rays work well for me as strong elements in a lovely shot.

  4. Good dramatic composition with a strong diagonal line up to the right created with the angles of the dancer's skirt, the sweep of her arms, the tilt of her head. Nice contrast between the dark background and light foreground make for a strong focus on the subject; and the blur of movement around her still face concentrates my attention there. I enjoy your photo. Thanks for posting it.

  5. Nicely composed with the wall and paved road or path to draw my eyes across the image. Good textures. The darker top and bottom edges make me focus on the women in the lighter area of the frame. Was their hair as dark as it appears? I wonder if the grey tones of hair could be more separated in brightness from the tonality of the women's faces. In my opinion this image is very well made.

  6. This image contrasts a formal centered subject with various asymmetrical elements of netting, shadows, and graffiti art. I enjoy the tension among the parts. I think they make a portrait that is far from ordinary.

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