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Posts posted by geddert

  1. I don't wear glasses and have very good vision, and can tell you from

    my experience with a Hexar RF (very similar magnification to the .58)

    and a Leica .72 that a .58 is certainly WAY better for a 28mm lens,

    much better for a 35mm lens and that for a 50 is is probably tied

    with the .72 - different but tied in my opinion... - i personally

    would like the .58 for my 50 cron, but expect to get a 75lux, and

    wanted to keep one body, so the .72 made more sense for me.

  2. over the past 3 years i have been a camera whore. I have been with

    Nikon, then Canon, then sold Canon, Then leica M, then Canon and now

    back to Leica M (with a bit of Canon left over)... i estimate that i

    have lost $4000 in the whole process... and have probably contracted

    some camera VD disease. I have put aside my childish ways however and

    have a concrete commitment to keeping my leica M gear for life, sure

    i will flirt with other systems over time, but in the end i will

    spend the important times with the Leica M. All i can say from this

    experience is that you should borrow gear from a friend for 3 months

    (possibly by letting them borrow your gear in exchange) in order to

    see if you are compatible with a certain body or set of lenses.

  3. Anam, you should pick up the latest copy of National Geographic (or

    maybe it was the last one before that), anyways, it has an article on

    Diamonds, and it looks like you can get man made diamonds that look

    and feel the same as real diamonds unless looked at through

    ultraviolet lights (it acatully is compressed carbon with the same

    density of real diamonds). You should be able to get a real "man

    made" diamond for half the price of a real "million year earth made"

    diamond. Only true specialists can tell the difference (those trained

    by deBeers to keep deBeers as the monopoly going) since they are in

    fact the same chemicals and density. Also, the whole "a girl gets a

    big diamond engagement ring" is something entirely created by the

    diamond industry to boost sales. 100 years ago this was the exception

    and not the norm.




    Be a rebel and get her a lens instead =)

  4. Provia 400F slide film can be pushed to 1600 quite well - this is

    pushed two stops (I like the results a lot for a 1600 speed film)...

    in my opinion this is the best color film above 400, I think it has

    much less grain then others at these speeds. I digitize my pictures,

    so i am trying to only shoot color, and then make them B&W in

    photoshop, thus i would also recommend Provia 400f for B&W if you

    don't want grain (i sometimes use true B&W film because i want grain).

  5. that should be post a link to an image, not post an image, to post an

    image inline you write: <img src="__link__to_image__">




    most people will want to center that image and add a small caption,

    so then you would write: <center><img

    src="__link__to_image__"><p>Caption Text</center>

  6. For those of you that want to know how to post an image, this is what

    you need to do:






    The link to image, is most likely the URL you have been using in the

    past... this is an example link for Kristians, first image at this on

    this thread:


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?

    photo_id=652573&size=lg">Photo 1: Erlina</a>


    This would produce a link like this:


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?

    photo_id=652573&size=lg">Photo 1: Erlina</a>


  7. Here are clickable links for the others that have posted.



    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?






    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?


    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?






    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/133606">1</a>,

    <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/193824">2</a>


  8. I like these all of which were shot with a M6 and 50cron. They are

    not necessarily my best technically or artistically, but they are

    pictures of people I love.


    <img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?


    <p><i>Having Fun in the Tub</i>


    <img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?


    <p><i>Raphael waiting</i>


    <img src="http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?


    <p><i>Dominick 2001 Christmas Eve</i>



  9. you can also preset focus with the GR1 (it is called snap mode) so

    that it doesn't have the lag between depressing the button and firing

    a frame. I agree that the Hexar is probably a better camera... but is

    isn't nearly as small as the GR1, which is about the same size as a

    wallet or a casette tape box - it will easily fit in a shirt pocket.

    If you want a ture backup that can replace a M6 get the Hexar if you

    want something tiny to carry with you at all times the GR1 wins.

  10. if you use a pro slr as well with 77mm filters (as many people here

    do), you can get a step up ring from 39-77 and 46-77 for $10 a piece

    and then cut a hole in the side of the step up ring so you can see

    the effect through the step up ring... i haven't wanted to use a

    polarizer on my M6 yet (I use it almost exclusively indoors), but i

    have thought about it, and if i wanted to use a polarizer on my M

    this is what i would do since i already own a 77mm polarizer.

  11. i like my cron a lot, but frequently wish i had the lux... i would

    also recommend buying a different focal lenght. If you are going to

    have two lenses of the same focal lenght with Leica M's the only two

    that make sense to me are the 50noct and 50cron, in regards to all

    other focal lenghts i think it wouldn't make sense to double up

    (except maybe thin tele-elmarit adn 90APO... but with that combo i

    think a TE with a 75lux would make more sense).

  12. I don't think there would be enough of a reason to switch... i bought

    a TTL because of the new shutter speed dial, the direction may be the

    opposite, but now it follows the directions of the arrows. The fact

    that is a bigger is a big help. it is incredibly easy to use my index

    finger and roll over the shutter button to adjust speeds because it

    comes almost all the way to the front of the body... this in my

    opinion is a definite improvement. In my mind this improvement is

    certainly not big enough to justify the switch from a classic to it


  13. Foveon sure has a great marketing department, this the um-teenth time

    i have heard this request here or at photo.net... i haven't seen

    people blindly accept somebody's technology purely based on marketing

    in a while... it's nice to know people are as gullible as ever. The

    Foveon may well be great, but until it can be tested independently

    and they can actually produce large quantities of the item it remains

    marketing sci-fi.

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