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Image Comments posted by scooter0071



    I am far from an expert but it just seems to me like its too much all at the same time. Maybe I am just a bit slow though.

    And now that I have looked at your whole portfolio I now see the light and this is your style. (I kinda think this means I am slow and your picture is great)

    If nothing else you have captured my interest with this photo. The many layers sent my slow mind into overload.

    Master of Disaster

    Very nice photo. When I got my D50 the first thing I did is start with fire. I have a similar photo from my BBQ Grill. Thank you for warming things up a bit. Its a bit chilly today in Nebraska.
  1. All of my subjects can testify this is my image. I have taken this exact image in on many occasions. Someone needs to report this to PN.


    All in fun. Hey great job getting this rated so high. This is awesome.



    Bill Kalmbach


    This capture is great. Those eyes are just begging for attention. Very nice! I checked out your web site, You have a lot of very nice images there also.
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