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Posts posted by zeebo

  1. For the record


    Firefox represent about 8% of internet users according to www.thecounter.com and of that 8% less than 2% have installed Adblocker, which is less than .0016 of all internet use.


    It's easy to believe we are the norm for the entire internet because the experience is so personal to each individual but from a web developers perspective Flash users are a huge and predominant force on the internet now reaching well over 90% of all users worldwide. Sometimes the onus is on us to try and keep up.

  2. After doing a little research I found that Ad-blocker works by removing unwanted content based on the source-address of that content. This is accomplished by creating a text based list that filters content, sites, pages and domains. It can be used with wild cards (*) and supports two types of filtering: simple, and Regular Expression (somewhat similar to java script). Whether you can see Flash or not is based on your filter set and is not inherent to Ad-Blocker itself. Ad-Blocker does not block Flash content on its own!


    Flash content permeates the web and blocking all Flash content would disable most music and entertainment sites not to mention Flickr�s slideshow. This makes your web experience less than stellar.


    If you can�t see any Flash content there could be a .swf filter in your list. If Eric�s page is the only Flash content blocked there would be a filter in Ad-Blocker for his page.


    You could simply append your filter set by looking for the filter that is blocking the flash content, look in Tools/Adblock/preferences to see your filters list or click ctrl+shift+p on PC�s. If the list is a mess you could remove all your filters completely and start again. This would not disable Ad-Block but only remove user added filters. Go to Tools/Adblock/Preferences/Adblock Options/remove all filters� Uninstalling Ad-Blocker and then reinstalling will not fix the problem because Ad-Blocker keeps and restores your previous filters so obsolete filters from previous versions just keep getting added to any upgrades. There is a basic filter set available from FireFox called filterset.g and can be found at https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=1136 , it installs automatically but please remove your previous filters first and Make sure you�re using the latest version of Ad-Blocker. This fix should improve your web experience without having to disable Ad-Blocker.

  3. Congratulations Eric your work stands out beautifully with this site, which is exactly what the focus should be on. Great photos and a diverse body of work, I wish you great success.


    As a web developer I am interested in the problems people experienced with what was referred to as an �ad blocker� in Firefox.


    The only option I know of in Firefox that is close to what is described is �popup blocker� and as far as I know this has no effect on any version of the Fash plug-in. Anyone having problems with this feature could you elaborate? Is it a third party Firefox ad-in? Are you able to view other sites that use Flash? Most ad blockers look for standard banner ad dimensions to remove or block the ad and this technique should have no effect on a site of this dimensional size.

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