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Posts posted by asassoon

  1. <p>


    <p>Hey,<br />So i am planning a big trip to europe this summer and i am starting to decide what i am going to be bringing with me. So i plan on traveling as light as possible. What i will have with me are my D50, an 18-200, maybe maybe a 50mm 1.8. This brings me to my question.<br /><br />I am only going to be carrying a backback with me and it cant have too much in it so what i am thinking of doing is to buy a manfrotto tabletop tripod like the 209 or 709 and just use that . The reason i want a tripod is for night shots. I will be traveling with a group of college students so its not a stop here and set up kind of thing. I need something real quick and reliable. Trying to keep it as cheap as possible. <br /><br />Suggestions anyone? </p>



  2. I had my camera on a chair last night and someone tipped the chair over causing

    my camera to tumble to the ground. Luckily the only thing that was damaged was

    my 50mm and the filter rather than my sb-800 or my dslr. SO i am not sure if the

    damage to the lens is small enough that it could be repaired for like $60 or if

    it would just be worth buying a new one. It appears that the only thing that is

    wrong is that the lens mechanism has been pushed in on one side so the whole

    focusing mechanism is off center and wont budge. Now is this something easy to

    fix meaning that all you need to do is open is up and realign it? My friend who

    broke it offered to pay for it so i am trying to find the cheapest option for

    her. I have the feeling that it would just be easier and cheaper to buy a new

    one. Below are posted pictures.












    Thanks so much,


  3. So last night i was shooting an assignment for class only i didnt have the right

    tripod with me so i tried to screw my D50 into a tripod plate meant for a video

    camera.so i was unable to screw it in fully. As i was putting the camera on the

    tripod i wasnt paying attention and next thing i know my camera is tumbling down

    to the ground which was hard stone. BANG! CRACK! My SB-800 cracked open Luckily

    nothing really expensive was broken like my camera and my lens. However, now i

    have a $350 flash that is broken. Does anyone know of a good repair shop to send

    it. I am a student so my funds are a little limited. The only thing that broke

    luckily was the plastic so i dont think it will be too expensive. Let me know if

    you guys know of a place to recommend. Either in North Carolina or D.C area

    either is good for me. Thanks so much.

  4. Ok so i have been having trouble with my laptop and the desktop i have been

    using. Both of them are giving me different colors and tones so i decided to

    trust the desktops and was wondering if this is correct WB. Also while i was

    editing i was wondering how you can tell when the WB is correct and that the

    colors are right. Can somone help me with that?


    Now does this photo look a little blue. On my laptop it has a blue tint but not

    on my desktop. I know that there is a difference in screens between

    manufacturers i am just wondering how to deal with it and how to know which is





  5. What do you guys all think of having a gray refrence card as an

    essential part of your photography equipment? Also a monopod or tripod

    or no?


    Just as a note i shoot mainly school events and sports events

  6. Hey guys so i had the amazing oppurtunity of photographing an ACC all

    star game that was actually hosted at my school:) It was amazing. I

    was court side up close with famous players like David Noel from UNC,

    Sheldon Williams from Duke, Sean Dockery from Duke, and Justin Gray

    from Wake forest. However i did not have the right equipment for the

    occassion which kinda sucked:( So i made due and tried to get the best

    out of what i had. I used my nikon D50 and a 28-90 3.5-5.6 lens ISO

    1600 and i used my on camera flash but i put it 1.7 stops down to give

    it a more natural look although you can still tell i used a flash.


    What do you do when you in situations like this?


    Here are some of the shots i got

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

  7. Hey i was wondering does anyone know any good vendors online or in the

    North Carolina Triad area that rent lenses out for a good price. I am

    looking to rent a telephoto 80-200 2.8 or a 135 2.0 for an upcoming

    basketball game at my school. Thanks

  8. So being a junior in high school you ponder the many questions of

    life. Well one question that has come up is if i were to major in

    photography and pursue it as a career what would it be like. Is the

    family life good? is the pay good? Can you make a living? Is it hard

    to break out and be successful? Are the hours hell? I know it is

    probably different with every photographer, so ill leave it open to

    all. Although im more interested in sports and photojournalism as well

    as wedding and event photography

  9. O can i also clarify something, i will not be sole teaching this course/elective, i will kinda be "co-teaching" or the second instructor the school will hire a teacher. DO you guys really think students will learn in a peer-peer environment? I knwo they wont they will goof off. Also i dont go to a public school, its a private boarding school so i think if they trust us with $2000 laptops they will trust us with $2000 camera equipment. However, you guys all do raise valid points that ME as a student did not see. However, look at TODAYS photography, 85% of the market is digital, it is not economical to use film. ALSO these are students to develop the amount of pictures they are going to be taking is expensive and half of them dont come out well which is a waist of money and time. PLUS you have to wait to get the film developed. With digital you get instant results and can analyze what went wrong in the picture and fix it. That ability to see what happens is the basis for why i chose to buy DSLR's. You can tell the students to put it on shutter priority and tell them to play around and record what shutter speed they had it on for each picture THEN they can see what is happening with the shot. Is it underexposed at 1/500th at 5.6? If so why? Introduce them to the concepts. Then slowly introduce them to more and more concepts. Am i all wrong here? I feel like im being bashed from all sides, i guess i should have explained more in the begning, my fault. I myself am still a student and still learning. The idea of me "co-teaching" is part of a leadership course i am taking right now and part of the course is to take intiative in the community. Well my intiative was to start this photography program and to expose kids to the amazing art of photography. Where do teachers learn the most from? THERE STUDENTS, so i figured if i co-teach it would further my photographic skills. Do you all agree with this?
  10. Ok, i must say you guys all do have a very valid point that i never really thought of. I actually do go to a private school that is very very advanced in technology so the laptops is not a problem, each student is issued one. Now for cameras and lenses i actually tend to agree with you guys on giving them expensive lenses probably not the best idea. I also did not learn on digital or EXPENSIVE lenses, till today i dont use any thing special my telephoto lens is a 70-300 4-5.6 which is definitly not ideal for sports. I guess when i was putting this all together i had in mind what i could use and not what i could teach with. Then again i do not think it could hurt to have one 70-200 2.8 so they can see what a good lens can produce. We do have right now 3 nikon N75's and what i was planning on doing in the begning was to kinda ween them off point and shoot and then introduce them to an SLR and maybe a quater way through the term introduce them to a DSLR. So then they can first work on composition and then as they grasp that work there way up with equipment, sound good? So how is this for a new lens list


    2-3-Nikon D50, 6.1 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera Kit with 18-55mm DX Zoom Nikkor Lens and 55-200 DX Zoom Nikkor Lens-and

    2-3 D50 Body only

    5-50mm f/1.8D

    135mm f/2.0D (not sure whether this one is needed, it would be nice for shots by the indoor pool and the basketball team)

    Sigma 70-200 2.8


    What do you guys think of this list?

  11. What is the difference between Majoring in Photo J and

    Photography(commercial). Also i am a highschool junior and i am torn

    between whether to take that extra step and study photography in

    college or just keep it as a hobby. I mean i love photography but the

    business is rigorous and i hear the life can be hell. How do you know

    if your good enough to make it?

  12. Hey everyone, so i am putting together a list of IDEAL equipment for

    my highschool photography department which i am starting up. Here is

    what i have so far can i get some feedback on what people think. The

    course will have 4-7 students in it at a time.


    3-5 Nikon D70s, 6.1 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera (Camera Body)

    2-3 Nikon Normal AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D-

    2-Nikon Zoom Super Wide Angle AF 17-55mm f/2.8G

    sigma 24-70 f2.8

    Nikkor 135mm f/2.0D Autofocus-Ideal for lowlight situations like

    indoor basketball and swimming- $ 939.95

    2-Nikon Zoom Telephoto AF VR Zoom Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8D G-AFS ED-IF

    Autofocus Lens (Vibration Reduction) IDEAL SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY LENS

    Note: we currently have 2-3 Nikon 28-80mm f/3.3-5.6 G



    Alternate lens list:

    Nikon Normal AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D

    sigma 70-200 f2.8-

    sigma 17-35 f2.8-4

    sigma 24-70 f2.8-

    Nikkor 135mm f/2.0D Autofocus-Ideal for lowlight situations like

    indoor basketball and swimming

    Considering instead of the sigma 70-200--Nikon Zoom Telephoto AF VR

    Zoom Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8D G-AFS ED-IF Autofocus Lens (Vibration

    Reduction)(dont know if it is really worth it)


    I would appreciate all and any comments. If you think i should take

    lenses out and use different ones for highschool students learning

    photography. Also can i get some comments on accessories here is what

    i have so far.



    1-2-ultra II 2 gig Compact Flash cards

    2-1GB CompactFlash Card

    2 backpacks-

    1-2 gadget bags

    UV filters for each lens-

    LCD protectors for the Nikon D70s

    3-4 spare Nikon EN-EL3e Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries


    Thank you soo much!!

  13. Here are more recent shots which i took at my baseball teams game, any

    improvement? i know they are a little overexposed

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img


    border="0" alt="Image hosting by Photobucket"></a>

  14. Hey guys so i have had a very busy week with SATs and all the sports

    events i have been attending. This past friday night i sat down with

    the family that i took the pictures for and went through all the

    pictures and sorted everything out. I just got paid tonight and i did

    not expect to get soo much! They were really really happy with my work

    so they decided to pay me $250 in cash! I think that is pretty

    resonable considering my experience and the work i produced. Thanks

    everyone, i will continue to keep you guys posted on how i am

    progressing as a photographer. Here is another shot from the batmizvah.<div>00FtOB-29218284.thumb.JPG.6bf0903885313f4cea7700549ae66727.JPG</div>

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