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vet 57

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Posts posted by vet 57

  1. It all depends on how critical you are about the results, rapid burst setting will take a load of mediocre pictures quickly , try and slow the pace down, and compose your images more carefuly consider the background and what direction the lighting is coming from, sit your daughter down and talk to her while you shoot, try to do the thinking don't leave it to the camera and I think you will find you will have a bigger proportion of "keepers"
  2. You would loose two stops lens speed making your 2.8 80mm lens into a f5.6 one, and some edge sharpness. If it was me Stewart,( and I am a portrait enthusiast) since you can buy the 150mm Zeiss Sonnar at very reasonable prices at the moment I would go for the real deal.
  3. Hi Lindy I'm very impressed with your FD system, and the neat way you have it displayed you must be a much more tidy person than I am. I store my photographic gear in a steel cupbord that is bolted to the floor and the wall behind it with 1/2" Rawlbolts. I use two Billingham Safari bags to carry it, a large 550 or a smaller 335 depending on how much I need to carry.
  4. You Don't, it's the worlds most complicated Hi-tech N/D filter, a ploy to make some of the public who are novices dissatisfied with their existing camera that only has a shutter speed of1/1000 to entice to replace their perfectly good existing equipment. The industry has to re- invent itself every so often to retain their market share, their share price and keep people in jobs,a lot of todays consumer products are designed by advertising agencys, in that they decide what features will sell the product and that's what the manufacturers make
  5. I can't agree with your reasoning Doug,the reason to buy an excellent condition body( or as good as you can get)is that because of the age of these cameras, and because many of them have had heavy professional use I would think these days since the bottom has fallen out of the second hand market you should be able to buy an excellent condition one cheap,because if what you describe as a 'good' model lets you down and needs to be sent for repair it will cost you a lot more in the long run. The Maxwell screens are very nice but I would spend the money where it matters first, and add the screen later if funds allow, I have used two of these cameras for nearly twenty years and have so far managed without one
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