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Posts posted by dave_pozzi

  1. <p>Hi, I have recently got <a href="you can find R on ebay">one of these diffuser called Strobella,</a> you can grab one on ebay for few euros. It' great for macro, even with the flash on the hotshoe it provide an even and soft light, although I prefer to shoot with the flash off-camera with a 45° lateral lighting.<br>

    I use to shoot outdoor and it's very light and portable and allows to change rapidly position.</p>


  2. Thank you for your suggestion. I just got a 4490 to couple my mamiya 7 and made the test myself.

    I placed a 6x7 B/W negative (this pic of my girlfriend http://www.photo.net/photo/7994312 ) in the 4 possible positions on the scanner, i.e.:


    1- in the film holder with the emulsion (matt surface) up. This is the position recommended by Epson



    2- in the film holder with the emulsion (matt surface) down.



    3- on the glass with the emulsion up



    4- on the glass with the emulsion down




    I scanned the same neg at 12800 dpi (max resolution available) , 8 bits grey, no automatic correction.



    Please have a look to the results (the right eye cropped from the original):






    I spent a lot of time looking for any difference in terms of focus accuracy, yet I couldn't find any, can you?

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