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Image Comments posted by glenwoodsherry





    A very beautiful capture of a very beautiful woman. For once, I will be brief:I wish that I had shot it.


    Very well done, my friend.







    A brilliant image, powerful in it's simplicity and composition. The pose and the expression on the young Marine's face, weapon at the ready amid the debris of war, the shadowing, all combine to create a very successful image of the mundane and routine aspects of deadly conflict.


    A remarkable, and welcome, change to the usual PN fare, and a 7/6 from me.


    With respect,







    An interesting version that works on some levels for me, and not others.


    I like the left side crop; you did not need all the left leg in frame. Glad that you got rid of the towel, floor and doorway.


    What I have a problem with is your cropping off her face; all that is left is lean muscle and breasts. She is a beautiful woman, very expressive, and you lose most of the connection between the subject and the viewer.


    A minor issue the complete blackness of the backgound; her right knee seems to be floating out in mid-air. maybe you could shade the lower edges a little. (Her left arm seems fine with the shadowing).


    Anyway, my friend, my 2 cents worth. She is such a remarkable subject, and the capture unique, that it is worth playing with it some.







    A stunning image of a very striking woman: The controlled tension is almost palatable. It is remarkable how she both challanges, and seduces! But then, isn't that what can make a woman very intriguing. I hope that we will be seeing more images of her, to see what else you can coax out of her.


    My one gripe, and it is a minor one, is the black towell: I would have liked none, and have her wet skin (uncomfortably I would admit) playing against the stone floor; or something larger that would fill the frame better, and not make it seen like she was perched, teetering, on it.


    But that's a minor bitch. All in all, an interesting approach to capturing the complexity of a beautiful woman. And a 6/6 from me.





  1. Lannie,


    An interesting series; I like seeing the progression of your ideas about framing this scene.


    Personally, in one respect, I think that this one is the weakest, and had been getting weaker as you went along. I liked the sense of openness that had been on the right; the open, barren field would reinforce the sense of abandonment. Plus, the two diagonal shadows have no context; without the roof in the scene one is left with wondering just where the shadows came from.


    You could also take an opposite tack: Crop to an elongated image, stopping at the sills, and ending at the right edge of the house, eliminating all sense of context, and focusing only on the textural qualities of the subject.


    All in all, a cool resource to mine...



    Milking a Hat




    Who wouldn't love this girl: She is very pretty, and full of charm. I love this series that you did with her; the styling, the hat, the white background and the lighting all come together to create some of the most attractive images that you have posted.


    Very, very enjoyable.



    Beautiful Security




    Great candid shot, although I'm not too sure about a beautiful woman who looks like she could hurt me!


    Love the DoF, and the crowd blur; you really nailed the eyes. Very well done, and a 6/6 from me.



  2. Massimo,


    A very, very good "first nude"; you are certainly on the right path.


    Beautiful model, well lit (actually, I like the shoes), incredible backdrop to set her against. I would have cropped some from the left, and quite a bit from the right, to bring more focus on her, yet still maintaining the feel of the image.


    All in all, very good, and a 6/6 from me.







    By far my favorite model of yours, a beautiful woman who captures the essence of a life lived full and knowingly. Stunning in composition and mood, and tones remarkable.


    She is indeed someone who you could spend a lifetime shooting, and never tire of the effort, for without effort such a journey would be.


    Very, very well done, and a 7/7 to you both, my friend.







    I like this: Love the high key tones, and the sharp contrast, combined with the soft focus. Great job on the coloring, and keeping the eyes sharp (very hard to do with a camera phone.) Composition a little weak: Would have a bit more space at the top, and more of the colored sleeve showing. But, since this was shot with a camera phone, and framing is damn near impossible, feel free to ignore this last observation.


    You seem to have talent for post work, so I am looking forward to seeing more of your images.


    A 6/5 from me, Glenwood





    A delightful image; love the high key coloring and the soft focus, and you kept the eye sharp. Great personality, and wonderful composition.


    Well done.







    I keep coming back to this image, not sure what it is about it that keeps drawing me back, for it is in its very simplicity that it intriques the viewer.


    Indeed, it feels less of a capture than a pastel, the tones and textures blending into a weave of bespoke perfection. Yet, not all is right, and I am left to ponder what could, or should, be done to render this image complete.


    Then it strikes me: The issue is not technique; it is not lighting; nor subject. No, the issue is one of scale. For in the most subtle of images, scale invites you to enter the created world; size envelopes you, and you sense, rather than see, the image.


    Instead of a 5 inch by 8 inch image on a computer screen, picture this work as a 5 FOOT by 8 FOOT image mounted on a gallery wall! One would see the flower at a distance as one entered the space, and then, as one approached the image, one would feel the pedals wrap around you as a grandmother's quilt on a damp winter morning.


    Think large, and this image's very simplicity becomes its greatest strength.


    And I would stand in line to buy a copy.


    A 7/7 from me, only because I can rate it no higher.


    With respect,




  3. David,


    A very nice tush, indeed. But what is all this talk about cameras? What camera?


    And when Clint talks about "Chessy", is he refering that the subject in question is smooth to the palete, like Brie? Or firm like a fine Gouda? It doesn't look old enough to be a fine Parma.


    Or, maybe it is his comment that is like a ripe Emmathaler, where you have to hold your nose when you get too close? Must be it, for his comment stinks.


    I, on the otherhand, love firm, young, er, cheese, and hope to be invited one day to join the D&K (David and Kelvin) Bottoms Up Club.








    A very nice image; I like how the light dances on the water. How you tried this image in B&W to see what you get? The color is already fairly mono, so might be interesting to play with. You might try cropping the image below the top of the tree line, and up some from the bottom, again, just to see what happens? Or run the image through some color filters?


    This is a good capture, and might yield up some interesting effects. I often will treat the original capture as a starting point; sometimes I come up with something unexpected; sometimes the original image is the best.


    Have fun, that's the important thing.






    Just Another Ass




    Gee, what could this mean? In truth, this ass is too good looking for most of those anonymous 3/3-ers.


    It isn't the 3's and 4's that bug me; if my picture sucks, then take the time to tell me. How else am I going to get better? Without comments, the ratings, whether a 3 or a 6, are nothing more than a pile of donkey-do-do.


    Thanks for making my day.





  4. David,


    A very funny image: Gotta love a picture of a beautiful young woman with a sense of humor! Laughter and nudity is a rare and wonderful corroboration.


    Well done (though, personally, I think that it is cropped a bit tight), and a relief to not see the results from her vantage point!


    A very pleasent 6/6 from me.



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