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Image Comments posted by brossart


    Very nice! Good detail. Nice lighting. Perhaps a little light across the cheeks? Beautiful subject.


    Quite remarkable when considering its shot from a moving train, but in the end, I think about the end product, not how you got there. For me, there are some exposure balance issues (the glaciers in the center-top versus the mountain on the right). You might be able to fix this in post production. Any other similar vantage points that give you the opportunity to properly set up? It's a nice vantage point, and I can see you have talent with your landscapes from the rest of your portfolio. I wouldn't call this one your best work, and I suspect it mainly has to do with having to shoot it from a train.

    softly glowing...

    Nice soft colors with nice edge detail on the edges of the petals. I also like the pattern of the petals into the center. Nice composition. I like it. Nice work.
  1. I like it, although I'm a Selmer man myself. ;-) Nice crisp lines, good detail, nice sparkle. I was initially surprised that you chose B&W, but after looking a bit, i think it adds charachter. Is this your horn?


    You might be able to move the grapes closer to the center, but I wouldn't center them. The shot as is gives the eye nice room to wonder off to the left. Not sure if you have an opportunity to re-crop, but if you do, I'd suggest moving the prominant grape stem in the middle of the bunch to the left third of the shot. I wouldn't change the vertical orientation. I think it works as is. I hope this helps. Nice shot though. :-)


    Hi Pauline. I like the flowers better. Too much sky here for me. You might want to play with the rule of thirds a bit on shots like this. Not sure if it's an option for you, but you might also find more interesting colors at dusk if you wait a little later and take a longer shot. I hope this helps.


    Wow Josh. I love the lighting on the tree. The lack of light on the rocks really make it stand out. The movement of the clouds adds a great punch. Nicely done!
  2. John, you are too modest. Minimal subject, yes, but your use of color in each of the 4 is fantastic. I love the soft blue and pink in this one. Oh, and on the topic of minimal, I like the subtle framing you did here (i.e. just the shadow on the frame), it suits the shot very well. Nice job on every aspect. To Raul's points, nice use of the rule of thirds virtically and nice use of breaking the rule horizontally. It all works for me. I'd love to have this hanging on my wall.


    There's a lot I like about this picture. It has a great feel of autumn in it. I like the robustness of the leaves in the water. I like how the lamp post frames the left side and reflects in the water, and I like the ominous fee the clouds give the whole shot. The picture, however, looks a bit crooked to me. Is the light post leaning to the right or is that a lens anomoly? If you've got PS, you may want to rotate the shot slightly or try the lens correction filters. Lots of great stuff going on in this photo. Definately worth another tweak or two.

    Tree at sunrise

    I would like to have this view out my paddock. Nice capture. I love the softness of the picture overall. The dark foreground and light above the tree adds nice contrast in the softness. Well done.




    Nice original idea. I find the white gaps distracting, can you narrow them? I do like the concept though. Good job.



    Hi Rob. I like the concept of this photo. The knarly tree in the foreground, the trailing valley, the season shows well in the snow and clouds. You might benefit from a bit more contrast and something to accentuate the clouds. I've been using a polorizer for this. I have had some recomendations to get a graduated neutural density filter. I have one on order, but haven't tried it yet.


    Keep shooting.

    Hidden in the Abby


    I'd skew it off to the left a bit. I think it helps lead you into the white wall. I'd also de-accentuate the light on the upper left a bit. I find it distracting. I wouldn't touch the foreground. You've got a nice light fade going that I'd hate to see you lose. I'm also a big fan of the 3x2 aspect ratio and almost always crop with that ratio. All in all, I like the photo though.


    Here's a couple of minutes in PS. Let me know what you think.


    Journey of Love

    Wow Tonny. I really like your stuff, this included. The colors are great. The clouds are exquisite and the reflection's nice too. I love the kids jumping off the waterfall too. Welcome to Photo.Net. I can't wait to see more.

    shivering tree

    Naveed, I like the composure here. I'd be tempted to move the tree a bit, not much, but a bit to the right. It's also a little pink for me. Looks like a cold winter scene that you've tried to warm a bit. I'd leave it colder.


    I agree. Nice capture of your subject. She looks lost in thought. Detail of the subject is good too. Any oportunity to shorten your DOF? The wood structure she's leaning on is a little distracting for me. I'd like to see it blured a bit.
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