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Image Comments posted by djgraf

    retro IX

    great shot! love the square format and the crop. I almost thought it was b+w for a second. That would make it even more timeless...6/6 Dave

    Soft Spot

    Alex: very nice shot, it does have good contrast, but maybe could use a little more exposure. But if the walls and steps are actually that bleached and white, the exposure may be bang on. Increasing the exposure (decreasing brightness I guess in PS) might give it more pop. Regardless great composition...nice portfolio also...Dave
  1. Alex:

    Your right about the crop on the left. I went back and looked at the print, and it was pretty much the same. I then went back and looked at the contact sheet. I think the reason that I cropped it with a bit of the bench cut off, was because there is another bench further in the distance and the bench support post was a little distracting and closer than the pigeon in the background. Thanks for the comment though. Sometimes I find it very hard to get any feedback at all. Much appreciated.

    spitting water


    Just wondering if this shot works. The little girl was in her own world spitting water onto

    the sidewalk by the beach. She did this for about 5 minutes. I know that initially it looks

    like she could be getting sick, but of course that was not the case.

    Window PAIN

    Nice composition! Very brave printing full frame. I couldn't print most of mine full frame. It is nice to know that there are some of us left that print. Is there enough detail in neg to dodge bottom, or would it be too distracting from the lovely geometric figures? After roughing neg carrier, did you file the horizontal surfaces as well?
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