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gilles champagne

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Posts posted by gilles champagne

  1. Runs okay, emphasis on okay, on Dual Core Processor 820 with 1GB Ram. But the software looks and behaves similar to something out of the 90's. With the release of Lightroom Beta for windows, it's clear to me which is going to be more succesfull, Lightroom. The control points are okay, and at first use seem really great. But the circular constraint gets old fast. For someone who averages over 400 D200 images a day, this software will be deleted soon. THe workflow options are so archaic they impede rather than facilitate a resonable use of the software. Too bad, was hoping this was a path away from Adobe, but Lightroom just works so much better even though it's beta. In my eyes, Capture NX should have just been left on the shelf.
  2. I am also looking to scan, but need to scan 120/220 645 mf as well as 35mm. Any experience with the larger neg/slides on the Epson 4990? The Nikon coolscan that handles MF is $2800 CDN and way too much for me. I am not a volume shooter, and have USB 2 but on the other hand don't want to tie up my computer while scanning for hours. Thoughts?
  3. I personally decided to opt out, and opt out completly by removing my portfolio. I need to take the time to consider all the personal pros and cons to this feature and my feelings associated with it and the overall site and its evolution. I was just getting ready to sign up as a subscriber, and am glad now that I was too busy to do it last week when I ready. Brian, obviously you are in the drivers seat here, but perhaps in the future you might create a forum for your new ideas and test them out there first. I am in that group that saw Photo.Net as a tool for learning, not for self promotion. There are numerous other ways for me to share my photographs with those I choose to view them. I would prefer, as a general rule, to NOT have a downloadable feature for photo's, similar to stock photography sites that disable Windows ability to pull the image off the site. I feel that each individual photographer here should have the ability to determine if a file is downloadable for each individual photo/file. I know that many people like to download photos and manipulate them as a way of demonstrating a certain PS feature or to suggest a different crop or other adjustment. I think that the submitting photographer should determine for themselves whether they want that feature or not. My "two cents" worth. Thanks
  4. Thanks for help. I have had several people suggest the 55mm N so I will take a look at those. Plus I checked other sites and it seems I did good on the price, been watching these for a while on Ebay and this one came up, new in the box, from a very reputable dealer so I grabbed it. Thanks for the info. Can't wait to get it and get into MF.
  5. I just bought a new Mamiya Pro TL SVII package. I would like to add

    a wide angle lens for landscapes. I haven't used medium format

    before so your suggestions are most welcome. I tend to shoot over

    water a lot and of course the sunsets and clouds. I would prefer a

    really sharp lens. The kit comes with an 80mm 2.8 lens.


    In addition, at the risk of sounding gullible I paid $1000. US for

    this kit new, did I get a good deal, or not?

  6. Thanks for the posting, I often wondered what was going on, now I know. The mechanics of this sites ratings are lost on me, and quite frankly, I find that I rarely rate anymore except for those photo's that I feel are simply outstanding. I can only hope then that those ratings add meaning for the photographer. Given the circumstances I'll quit looking at the TRP page.
  7. To pitch in on the S9000. I am on week three and very pleased with it. It handles very well, the image quality superb and except for the placement of a few items in less than ideal menus, I have no complaints at all. It is very much a like a DSLR in that it takes some knowledge of photography basics to wrest the best out of it, but that's the way it should be IMHO. Adobe has added the S9000 to Adobe RAW/DNG for CS2.
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