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Image Comments posted by aeh

  1. If you were going for the hair on the neck, that you did. It appears from the details that you may have had a doubler on the 70-200 --- if that's the case, that may explain the out of focus head. Most shots like this I would have put the focus on the eye, when I do that and the eye-brows are sharp, I'm happy. I would like to know more about the shot because I've been entertaining that lense, but after seeing this I would reconsider getting one. Thanks for the look, very nice gallery, very interesting water droplet shots. The best to you, Al

    Sisters Fawn


    She seems to tolerate the lawn mower and comes to hang around almost

    every day. I was about 10 feet from her when I took this. Thanks for

    the look. Comments are always welcome

    Close Encounter


    This was taken with the first Digital camera I bought, A Kodak, and

    that camera really burned up the battery power. Anyway I sat right on

    the dam and put out some Beaver lure and within 5 min. he was swimming

    closer all the time and didn't even know I was there till after this

    shot I asked him what he was doing and SPLASH , gone. Thanks for

    looking, sorry to get so long with the story. It was a KODAK moment.

  2. This was one of those times where if you would have waited a few min.

    the sun would have done away with the frost. As with a lot of photos,

    it was better being there than the end result. 3D would be the answer

    I guess. Thanks for looking and comments or critiques are welcome.



    I really don't understand it, but I think it's good. Interesting and eye catching. Have a good year and lets see more of your work,

    Old Homestead



    Love those old homestead and barn photos, always a little sadness seeing those old buildings slowly dying, the memories all those old buildings must hold. Great scene.



    It's extremely hard to get a good shot of these guys, you need a fast shutter speed to get them properly, 2000 or so. Still I like this one. Thanks for the view.

    DMIR Caboose


    This Caboose was used on the Minnesota, USA, Iron Range back in the

    1920s and is kept by a private owner on his property in Poplar,

    Wisconsin, USA. Viewable on Google Earth.

    all comments welcome. Thanks for viewing.

    Me in Cows Eye


    A photo "LIKE" this is what enticed me to buy my first DSLR.

    probably cropped to tight but the idea is my reflection in the eye.

    I've tried with my deer photos but the eye must be different with deer.

    As always I welcome your comments, thanks for looking in.



    "Very nice shot indeed". Could crop a lot of the top out. Had a Doe with one of those "Warts" a couple years ago and did some checking on it and it's something that shows up once in a while, it's not fatal to the deer and eventually goes away.

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